What's your advice or motivation for a trader on a losing streak?

Navigating the trading world may be difficult, especially during periods of loss. Remember that even the most successful traders have had setbacks; it is how you respond to these setbacks that defines your resilience and growth. Take this opportunity to rethink your strategy, gain perspective, and learn from your mistakes. It is critical to maintain emotional equilibrium since trading decisions based on fear or desperation rarely result in success. Trust your homework, be patient, and remember that trading success is a marathon, not a sprint. Every failure provides an opportunity for a more powerful return. Maintain your commitment and faith in your journey.


Thanks .
I will :pray:

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Thanks so much


There is a little known piece of information, you can only trade the markets passively, not actively, if you want active you run a service.

Hence why daytrading for most fail and they revert back to motivational speeches for active indulgence, passive and trading rarely go together well.

I’ve been trading a new $20k algo on 10s and 1mn bars, I thought I could make it work actively as I compounded at a spectacular rate passively.

You can’t, blew accounts trying, so switched back to passive with 25% today, how do you passively trade, it’s a painful experience which very few can teach.


This really speaks to me. I day trade on demo when I’m on holidays from my day job and I notice that whenever I add to a win I get burnt but when I stop for the day I’m in profit.
This thread has inspired me to look more intently at my past trades if only to confirm what I suspect has been holding me back.

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Hi, sorry for that. As everyone is saying, losing streaks happen to anyone so you’re not alone. But the hard reality is that even if it happens it hurts a lot. May I suggest this page to you? It is exactly about losing streaks and tells how to survive them (I hope I won’t be breaking any rule by posting a link, forgive me in advance in that case).

I saved it some time ago and read it regularly every time I am experiencing some losses in a row. Having read it so many times I know it by heart, but I find that sometimes it helps if you can read the things you already know as if they were taught to you by someone else.
I wish you the best!


Any time :wink:

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Great to hear. Hope you stick practicing that.

Thanks very much I will check it out.

You’re most welcome!

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As a new teader I trade in a demo account. I learn from my losses, keep a trading journal, and I review my wins more than my losses. I also revisit my trading plans and I keep learning.

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You have received some excellent advice in this thread - however, you have not stated some quite relevant points.
How many months?
How many trades?
I mean, is it three months and three trades?
Is it two months and 100 trades?
I don’t mean to be flippant but these two scenarios representing two extremes on the ‘problem scale’
Nevertheless, I do hope that whatever you are finding troublesome resolves itself.

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Okay will do that

Hey @Lapacenelmondo thanks for this page’ Just checked it really help answered some of my questions bout trading.

I’m so glad! I find it very useuful and I did hope it would help you too.

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Do you have a trading journal? If not, get one. You need to learn from your losses.

I’ve stepped away many times on losing streaks. I completely disconnect for a couple days and up to a week, and then return by analysing market and event data at the start of the week.

But you must also be okay with losing. It’s part of the game.

Sound risk management should aid you as well, even with a string of losers.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:

Don’t give up. remember that FOREX is completely uncertain even for me… I am a Semi-long term trader I get this a lot even from newbies and amateurs that due to recent uncertainty they are about to give up but pls do not. one tip from me as a Semi-long term trader. always check first and foremost the fundamentals like major events it will change the overall trend of the market in a snap. also check others fundamentals like Interest rate, inflation rate, GDP YoY and MoM. Government Debt to GDP and Unemployment rate try to gauge them as to who is performing well and who is not I use MS excel to rank them if you need it I can share it. once done check technical analysis. use longer time frames to check the overall trend. like for me since I use an unusual time frame to trade which is 8HR but I base the overall trend on the weekly not the daily . check who is really bullish or bearish and which one is weakening. consider your stop loss in such a way that you can sustain it. make sure your lot size is as sustainable as possible like 0.01 or 0.02 and keep the leverage that you can actually sustain . don’t believe them saying its 100 or 1000 that’s crazy. stick to your trading plan and don’t give up. take it from me as a Semi-long term trader. you may consider watching UK spread betting on YouTube . you can get an insight how the Hegde funds trade from real live hedge fund traders and how the market works. remember don’t give up.

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Thanks so much :handshake: :slightly_smiling_face: