What's your biggest frustration or challenge in trading fx?

I think EAs are a big hassle for me. I have tried using some of them but they didn’t work as promised. I had to keep an eye on how the EA was performing, not how I thought it would be. Honestly, I don’t think they eliminate emotions as you will always be thinking if your EA is working properly or not.

Definitely the market movement. Or to be more specific, the abrupt unexpected, uncalculated market movements. I even have to bear the down side of leverage twice or thrice because I had analysed so much that the EUR/JPY pair would move up but it fell, and so did my trading account.

It’s hard when it seems like it’s the perfect trade then it goes the opposite direction. Then I can’t understand what went wrong so that I can avoid making the same mistake the future.

It’s hard not to get greedy especially when everything’s working in your favor.

Partial success is still success. We learn every day.