What's your "biggest" question left un-answered, when it comes to trading?

Just curious- to newer (and even some not-so-wet behind the ears folks), what’'s your “biggest” question that is largely been left un-answered, as it relates to trading(forex, options, futures, equities, anything)? Is there a concept that you have struggled to properly understand and the internet just hasn’t been able to provide the answer?

the question I get asked the most is

[B][U]how can I find that quick win …Holy grail …signal / system ? [/U][/B]

and as all experienced traders know …there isn’t one !

the Holy grail is all inside your head …created and nurtured over years of training, research, experience, screentime, adapting, experimenting…and dogged determination

if someone gave a novice trader the holy grail - they wouldn’t know it if it jumped up at them with bells on …it will eventually appear over time when it is ready for them (if ever)

that’s the $1,000,000 million dollar unanswered question for them …


I totally agree. Successful Forex trading requires effort - effort to study, to learn, to practise, to figure out the strategy that is best for you, and so on and so forth.