What's your favorite TV series?

I enjoyed watching Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad, but the ones I really really love are the first season of Stranger Things and Chernobyl. Though, the reason I like them so much is probably because they are like a really long, good old movie.

If you like a tv series which is not episodic in its story-telling but rather have each episode segue into the next and you like sci-fi and fantasy you may want to try watching Babylon 5. Itā€™s a sci-fi series from the early 90s (so the special effects are kinda dated by now, but itā€™s still worth it) and itā€™s still one of the best sci-fi tv shows ever made, in my opinion. Season 1 is a bit campy and goofy, but the more it progresses, the more complex it gets.

in the last time iam in love with ā€œThe Tickā€ first 2 episodes are a bit slow but then i was addicted :slight_smile:
and of course American Horror Story every single season but season 1 and 2 are the weakest in my eyes ā€¦

Malcom in the Middle and The Middle also great shows :slight_smile:

Brooklyn nine-nine!

The first season of Fargo is pretty good! Really gritty with amazing performances.

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Btw, have you guys seen Residue? Itā€™s so cool, a pitty only the first three series are available.

Oh my. :sweat_smile: HAHAHA. Now I feel the pressure. Let me know what you think about it-- honestly! Hahaha. :smiley: So that maybe I could also get a better feel of the things I can recommend that youā€™d probably like. :smiley:

no pressure :joy: Iā€™ll check out the series this weekend while Iā€™m at home, no plans but hopping on these charts to backtest LOL

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Iā€™m feeling anxious! HAHAHA. :smiley: I hope you like it. But if you donā€™t, Iā€™m sorry in advance for wasting your time. :sweat_smile:

What is it about?

Never heard of it.

Itā€™s a Horror/Detective/supernatural miniseries. There is a near-future city where strange murders start to appear following a giant explosion in downtown, which is then quarantined by the government under the premises of a chemical leak.

The plot follows a freelance photographer who starts noticing anomalies and leads a private investigation, thinking that the government is hiding something.

Itā€™s just one of those movies where you really want to know what happens next and with very strong atmosphere, kind of like the first season of Stranger Things was, but of course, in a different way. Itā€™s available on Netflix if you want to check it out :slight_smile:

Yeah, I found it by accident on Reddit myself. They only shot the first 3 or 4 series as a pilot and it never took off despite positive reviews. Still, I would recommend watching, it works as a sketch, it is a lot of fun and a good way to spend one evening if you have free time.

Wait, they shot 4 entire series as a pilot?!
Now thatā€™s commitment

Ooh, I like that premise a lot, I will definitely check it out! Thanks!

My favorite TV series have always been South Park and Hawaii 5-0, I always entertain myself with them.

I love Hawaii 5-0. When does the new season start?

Summer is almost over and the usual shows will begin airing again soon. Which one are you most looking forward to?

13 Reasons Why Season 3. Any takers? Finished that last week. Dramatic high schoolers. What can I say. Theyā€™re broken and crazy.

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I canā€™t watch stuff with that subject matter, itā€™s just not for me.