When the trading plan needs a tweak

Well I said I would post every month not to bore the pants off everyone, March started well and my nemesis came back to bite me in the proverbial s.
I keep telling myself don’t trade commodities and indices and thought I had the a couple of signals which lined up nicely for me and then a bond sell off kicks my legs from under me will throw in a couple of USD trades as well at the same time and that cost me my March, did recover but losses still not regained my total losses not a disaster as my management of my account kept me in the game.
April seem to be back on track took 4 trades on the 31st, 4 wins all on April the 1st, have taken Easter out as the volumes dropped off, but will resume tonight the 5th; have 2 AUD trades in my sites.

March Figures.
Win Rate 66.6%
ROI -1.9%
Worst Trade Copper BUY -86 pips
Best Trade Eur/NZD SELL 52 pips

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