When trading ends up becoming like a job

Just saw this post on reddit:

For people like myself, trading is NOT stressful but also trading is not my main source of income. I guess if trading is the only thing you’re doing, it can get stressful really quickly.

It’s easy to see when you haven’t started yet how promising this industry can be but the reality is, when you’ve spend hours upon hours doing it, it’s literally like any job except of course, no physical labor or office politics. Maybe those two alone make the stress worth it lol.


In my opinion, I would say that it is very stressful if you don’t plan your leap. They should save some money before they think about any transitions they want to make (at least 6 to 12 months worth of expenditure). Most people, after getting funded especially, thought that they have made it and money will come into their pocket regularly. On weeks or months that they don’t get the payout, they won’t survive. So they should plan, do a budget and projections first regarding how much they would need in case there is no income during that time.

Also, don’t get too hasty on giving up your day job to full time trading. Even after getting funded, keep your day job, roll your funded account, invest bigger challenges, save some money, and maybe some of your debts could be fully settled at the time? Then only you transition safely. Even if you funded accounts get returned due to whatever reasons, you still have a lot of money to buy new challenges. And you have a lot less risk and commitments that stuck on you.


I’m not sure I finding my journey stressful, and the end goal is to make it a full time job.

However, I am finding the learning very difficult and taxing, but I need to learn to ensure I come profitable. I have a goal in mind and I will work towards that goal. If I do find it becoming stressful I will have to reassess my goal and why I’m on this journey.


Navigating the twists and turns of forex trading can get real stressful, I know. But here’s the deal: keep your strategy tight and trade sizes in check. Plus, remember to take those breather breaks – they’re like a mini-vacay for your sanity!

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Absolutely get where you’re coming from! When trading isn’t your sole income source, it can be a different ballgame. And you’ve got a point – it might not be physical, but the hours and effort add up. No office politics is a plus though! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Keep rocking that balanced approach!

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Yup. I think you have to have at least 6 months if not 1 year’s worth of living expenses to survive and even then it’s not a guarantee.

It’s amazing to me that you’re finding something very difficult but yet you’re not stressed!

I’m sure many people would rather have this solitary endeavor than have to deal with all that! :joy:

That’s my super power and why I believe I will be a successful trader.

It really is. Something to be grateful for and also one thing I’m working on. I’m so easily overwhelmed. Do you have any mental frameworks or just tips you use? Or does all this just come naturally to you?