Where can I chart bond spread?

Anyone here knows what platform I can use to chart bond yield differential such as the one below


Bloomberg Professional Terminal.

Only joking. Well maybe not. Point is you’re not going to get that type of information on your average garden variety retail spot FOREX broker.


I recognise the chart from the investopedia article written by Kathy Lien and since it contains data till 2005 it was most probably done manually in Excel. Because this was her suggested method for compiling the data in her book.

I believe I was able to duplicate it in Excel by downloading historical data from investing.com for 5-year AU and US bonds.

Attached is the excel file with the monthly data till date. There’s a filter on the pivotchart that can be undone to reflect til date graphs (May 2021 data obv incomplete).
Example_AUDUSD vs 5 year bond differential.xlsx (61.6 KB)

I’m very, very new and still know very little about trading. I’m hoping more experienced traders will probably know better ways to get this data, which is why I resurrected this thread.

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