Where can i download the pivot points for mt4?

been looking for this. where can i download the pivot points for mt4?

Auto Pivot points

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is this the standard pivots daily?

as far as I remember they are floor pivots…

i’m a newbie. whats the diffirence between floor pivots and the standard?

How do you integrate auto pivot point into mt4 ? when i double clik it open itself in meta editor

i’ve finally found out. put it inside the indicators folder by going in C/programfiles/metatraders/experters/indicators/

thanks :wink: i ll try now

and then how do you use it ? cause i can’t find it in the indicator menu on mt4 after put it inside the indicator folder and restarted mt4

in the metatrader menu, go to insert > indicator> custom> pivots.

you might also like this pivots daily

Pivots Daily.mq4 Daily.mq4

I did copy it inside the folder, but it doesnt appear in my indicator custom, it is strange

files with .mq4 extension are source codes.
you have to compiled it in Meta Editor first.
then you’ll get file with .ex4 extension and this file copy in indicator folder.

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how do i compile it please?
