Like i just found new zeland is milk is a major one that moves that currency? So where can i find the other currencys exports and info on them to see what is going on with them, to see how the currency will be affected.
Thank you
Like i just found new zeland is milk is a major one that moves that currency? So where can i find the other currencys exports and info on them to see what is going on with them, to see how the currency will be affected.
Thank you
Should add to above, just choosing at random Canada.
“Canada is the US’s largest foreign supplier of energy …” so where to get that little piece of intelligence?
Hmmm… I’ll try an intelligence agency:
And then maybe some other country:
Apart from Trading Economics, which is a really [I]really [/I]great resource, you can also check the respective government offices that release those reports.
Thank you very much!
Great i’ll give it a check, thanks!