I pretty new to FX, can some1 please please please refer me to a website(or what tv channel i may need) where i can source the US data releases as they happen? ie. Non Farm payroll, GDP, Retail Sales etc.
Oh and if any1 has this info for other countries it would be appreciated.
Hi Pipjunky,
For US data releases, you can be advised by news reports, which you can find on fxstreet.com, finotec.com and others. All the major releases, such as non far, payroll, GDP and others will be mentioned in news. So, what you want to do is to gather a bunch of good newsy sites and you are all set!
CNBC and Bloomberg carry a lot of data releases live. CNBC is pretty regionalized and if you’re in the States and watch it on TV you’ll generally only get US data releases. Ditto if you’re watching CNBC Europe.
You can choose to pay to be able to watch all CNBC regions via the web.
You can watch all the Bloomberg channels for free from their website.
Best layout of news from all major currency countries is posted at the forex factory, its clear and indicates the most likely to contribute to price swings.