Where did the videos go?!

Hi guys!

I just finished the babypips school, and from what I’ve read on the forum the next logical step is to go and watch the ICT’s videos. But they are all deleted. I’ve seen some evidence of conflicts between the members here, so can anybody tell me what the hell is going on? I don’t care for anything but to learn as much as possible.

Who in the world told you to do that?

Nope, no, noooo. Not this time. I’m going home.

Who in the world told you to do that?

I’ve been reading the forum and there was a thread talking about forex education and steps for begginers. And thats what i’ve read there, about the videos.

Nope, no, noooo. Not this time. I’m going home.

I frankly don’t care about any conflicts you had with this guy or anybody else. The thread is still up and sticy only the videos are missing. If it’s such a waste of time why don’t the mods delete it. I am here just to learn as much as possible and get as many useful info as I can.

Nevermind, i found another thread talking about ict. I see now where the problem was.