Where do the new traders go?

Maybe they decide this forum is too much like hard work to learn, so they go and pay an internet guru for a course?


People might be inactive for various reasons similar to what happens when gym memberships increase around New Year’s, but people dorp off after some time.

Here’s an article with stats and solutions for this kind of behavior:

It would be interesting to see the stats for babypips members. My guess is there’s some kind of pareto distribution where around 20% of the members are active and have success in trading while around 80% don’t do much else after joining.


Crypto gaming? Now you can get paid, right? Why work hard for months and years when you can play a game and potentially build wealth.

I think some of this is also language barrier maybe.

When I first joined I was just focusing on completing the education section. Afterwards I actually posted for the first time and was looking for a one-on-one partner for learning together, exchanging often and so on. The first reply I got was ‘good luck with that’… sarcasm? I think it was pretty unnecessary and not inviting at all. I went on to youtube and other education sites and continued learning and trying.

It took a while until I posted again and shared my knowledge on questions others posted. But in the beginning I was very insecure, if my answer was right. I got over that by now.

Even if there aren’t a lot of new people posting, I don’t get the feeling that seasonal members post a lot either. Often there are no new discussions in general or of any interest to me. Of course I could start one myself, but still…


New traders that join forex are mostly profit motive than to gain knowledge. Which is why they mostly come into sites like babypips for a few days and then rush into live trading.

Which later ends in blowing up their accounts or they totally give up on trading and try to another method to make money.


Everyone who hears about Forex think it is one of the quickest ways to make money. Fact, it is a career on it’s own. You have to study courses to be good at trading.

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Hi @MissYen

I think there is a lot of truth in what you suppose, and yes some older members can be very rude. Maybe they think successful Forex traders need to be ruthless with their plans, so are just warning people to be tough.

A couple of years ago shortly after I rejoined Babypips, I wondered if the forum was the sort of place to learn in small teams. I have seen no evidence of that but I may be mistaken.

I did a local internet search for “forex investors in Manchester” - close to where I live. To my amazement I found a Forex trading club with about 900 members. I attended 3 of their meetings, which were suspended unfortunately, when Covid 19 first hit. I keep in touch with some of the members via SMS messages, and the founder said he would likely reinstate the meetings. I will go along again if he does. The meetings were typically held once per month, attended by between 30 and 60 people, and attendees either went home or retired to a local pub for meet and greet. We tend to think that we know nobody with similar interests locally but depending on where you live you may be surprised. Try a google search naming your nearest town or city.

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Sometimes you post and you get the feeling that you are talking to yourself - which is great except when you are getting older - then you kinda wonder.

Likely that’s why us older guys just leave it alone - then again I’ve often found that the more a person gives then the more they receive - zilch to do with karma - seems that in giving a person has to think and in thinking …

My experience only :slight_smile:


The vast majority seem to be people who are registering with a couple of hundred dollars and want to turn it into millions quickly. They probably do what I did and get over confident very quickly and blow the account in a day (I took longer).


Newbies tend to discover quickly how hard forex is and move on, only a fraction remains to continue trading. That is normal, I think.

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I’d say many are casual observers.
I myself didn’t engage for many months here and in some other forums as I was too busy just researching and reading threads

Hi @MissYen are you still in search of partners for learning together? This is for a me a non stop learning process. I’ll be happy to be part of any group related. We can share thoughts, readings, courses found, ideas, signals.

all the best

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I noticed the same thing. Many of them post once then disappear.
Possibly just not committed or consistent at things in life in general.
Or maybe they quickly realize that’s it’s not actually a get rich scheme…

I love this way of thinking and it absolutely makes sense!

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It’s crazy cause some of these posts are pretty long and detailed. The time from posting to disappearing is very quick!

Guess that the most part of these traders give up trading within couple of days after they blow up their deposit. I also passed the same way. I started trading for more than 3 times and only the last effort was decisive for me and I understood that I wanted to dedicate my life to trading or investments.
The most part of such traders who intorduce themselves and then vanish, are just those ones who came into trasding with fake hopes and thoughts like trading is an easy activity all can earn money in it. They lose their money and leave trading forever. However, there are those ones who are still with us.


I think they register when they got to know about the forum from pipsology and then resume their courses. But sooner or later everyone will come as one has to understand what traders are doing and forums are the best source of this information.

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Many of them post constantly and never seek a coach

New traders stop trading because of lack of commitment. I think they realise that becoming a forex trader is not as easy as it sounds. Or maybe they are secretly trading and don’t want to show off ? :smiley:


Plenty of people want to trade, start trading, see how hard it actually is and what a committment it requires and move onto something else that they find more suitable for their particular circumstance. It has always been this way,I think.

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