Where do the new traders go?

New traders stop trading because of lack of commitment. I think they realise that becoming a forex trader is not as easy as it sounds. Or maybe they are secretly trading and don’t want to show off ? :smiley:


Plenty of people want to trade, start trading, see how hard it actually is and what a committment it requires and move onto something else that they find more suitable for their particular circumstance. It has always been this way,I think.

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According to me, there may be two reasons for this. First, they have unrealistic expectations, which are not fulfilled. Second, these may be the people who are looking for new traders with the aim of scamming them.

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They figure out what they need - an account - they set one up, and then trade live, and bam, blown account.

Thankfully, this is not the case for me. The moment when I was unsure of which Forex account type to start with, I’ve visited Babypips and found that Cent Accounts are the best and less risky option for beginners. I can honestly say that it provided me with an excellent start in Forex trading with minimal financial risks.

I assume that a lot of those people get bored of it or either they start looking into it and realize how much effort it will take. Once they see that quitting their job or becoming rich overnight aren’t reasonable goals they just move on to the next thing. Sadly, trading can be a means to accomplish those things but people just don’t want to put in the hard work to make their dreams happen.


I’ve been hanging around Babypips for years, but mostly just reading and watching. I’ll jump in only if I have a question, or actually think I can contribute something.

I’m still working outside FX, so don’t have much time to focus on trading. Doing some trading on the side, hoping to work into being consistently profitable, to supplement our income in the future…

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Makes sense. A true lurker!

I hear ya.

This is the dream scenario of most traders I believe. Thank YT and IG and Tiktok for that.

Hi folks,

I haven’t given up! Joined babypips last December and finished all the lessons in the first week of March. I’m pretty happy with the knowledge gained but I still feel I need to do learn more!

I’m currently demo trading (mainly on gold XAUUSD) and researching, and testing out different day trading systems.

I also like to challenge myself by exhausting my research capabilities before asking questions in forums which is one of the reasons why I don’t post regularly but seems like an issue for some so I think I’ll start participating in the forum LOL

Anyway, all good for now.



Obviously coz they think trading is an easy way to get a Lambo.

Once they face the truth… they’re out


I think you’re right. Why take the time to learn something that takes time when you can just gamble with money you don’t have! Also there are a lot of people whose native language isn’t English as you say.

The hopium fades when they realize there is work involved. No free lunch.

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Well, maybe they are too busy in learning and trading or just decided to drop their plan as they got too overwhelmed with the information overload here. There is also a chance they might just come back with their Forex trading success story one fine day.

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There are plenty of new traders every day coming into the market but not many last long enough. It is similar to a start-up, people can come in thinking it is a get-rich-quick scheme then realize they need to actually put a lot of effort and time into it to be profitable so they just quit.

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I believe everything because they understand that trading isn’t considered to be something that they are passionate about, they register, introduce themselves to the community in the section Introduce yourself, and then disappear because they understand that it’s not something that they wanna do.

Some of them of course register here because of the free trading courses, which they pass and leave the website. It’s so disappointing, nevertheless, the less traders we have, the less potential competitors we also have =) It’s our time to grab the money I am sure… Just don’t pay attention to such ones.

I didn’t want to post anything for a while, particularly when i just started and was losing money - I just wanted to focus on getting myself out of trouble. Later on I became more interested in the life of the trader so started posting. This is a great forum, but most of the advice can be sought away from the forum without the background noise of reading through a long string of posts which could be confusing for new traders?

Also, although the vast majority of replies people get to posts on babypios are helpful, insightful and well-meaning, there are the occasional contributors who can go out of their way to be rude, adversarial or condescending and write in SHOUTY CAPITALS :+1:t2:This will inevitabley put off some newbies of a more delicate constitution.

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Well, that is their own choice. We cannot forcefully tell new traders to stay here on babypips and utilise the resources available. Some know about it, and still prefer to not use it. Some traders I think do not know about babypips resources. Anyways, we can all hope that they do not quit after a few weeks of trading.

That’s really unfortunate actually, I see most of the newcomers are interested in trading signal or paid service instead of learning!

Most of these persons have either given up trading or are disappointed in the long run, because their high or unrealistic expectations were not met in the market. They therefore slack back and don’t get too involved in the market.