Where do the new traders go?

Unfortunately it’s literally been like that here since day 1, but also everywhere else I’ve visited. When you start talking about money, and what works and what doesn’t and who’s in it to make a buck and who’s just copying from this guy or that guy, and that the facts that:

  • you get different people from all walks of life at different stages in their trading journey
  • what worked once no longer works
  • something works for you but not for somebody else
  • we’re human, with different levels of emotional control
  • so much in chart and indicator analysis is subjective
  • we’re the small fish swimming in a vast ocean surrounded by sharks and whales

no wonder the odds are staked against us in succeeding, and you get people with strong convictions in life and trading.

But if you take the time to get to know members, and follow along with their experiences, taking but also giving back, you’ll find this is really a great place to learn!


I agree. Very elegantly put.

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I believe that only new traders are here; losses or negative experiences may have caused them to leave. when I initially started, I was intimidated by my losses and took a pause to understand the situation better and develop strategies that would work for me


Trading wins and losses will bring out the emotions in most people. It’s human nature to be excited for a win or down when you lose.

But noob traders will have a harder time letting the losses go, until they realize it’s part of trading.

Lots of trading psychology articles on this site to read too if you didn’t know.


It is highly likely that some of them are actively trading forex but not that active on the forum anymore. But unfortunately some of them leave after encountering losses. New traders need to understand that losses are part of the learning process and those who get success in the long run are always the ones who made it through the hard times.


Actually, a number of new traders join here with a wrong mindset; here want quick success here; as a result they face so many losses in their early stage! Eventually, they lost the trading interest!

I am wondering the very same thing. I think most of them are expecting something different? I think they were expecting to make money and not advice.

It’s quite normal! In Forex, more than 95% traders are unable to make money, so what do you actually expecting here?

I think this is a big part of it as well. Reality sets in quick… especially if you start trading real money too soon.

Either they quit or are slowly watching the rest of us lol. But most of them quit, because it is difficult to keep up with studying.


Possibly, most of the newbies are not serious about trading. They do explore different market places and spend their time only where they are more comfortable with.

Yes, I wonder how many try forex but drift into bitcoins because they’re lazy.


Exactly, for newbies it becomes difficult to handle when things are not going our way. Good self control is required to control yourself when things go wrong, but we just have to try.

And then come back to forex after being down 92% because hodling isn’t the money maker they thought it would be.


Quite a promising clutch of newbies last day or so with interesting things to say. Hopefully they’ll stick around. No disrespect to anyone (particularly as my first couple of posts were a bit daft) but I think it’s the one-line intros such as “hello, my name is… and I want to learn about trading” tend to be the ones that disappear. Or maybe they come back later? Everyone welcome, of course, no matter what they say in their intro. I note that some of you then try to coax a bit more out of them, which is very kind and encouraging (@HeavenRobinson @tommor @ponponwei et al !)


They looking for meaning and purpose through the charts bless their souls

That’s kind.

I had a boss once who was a real gentleman. He got people to do what he wanted them to do, not by telling them what to do, but by asking them questions. In the end, they were telling him what they wanted to do, and it was exactly what he wanted them to do in the first place. It was a real skill worth trying to duplicate.


Maybe he was talking to them like they was adults not children

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That’s true

I believe that people only read and don’t want to communicate with others.