Where do the trolls go

One more thing. Ya alls banning people cause you think dey somebody. Maybe dey is and maybe dey aint. It just looks funny when somebody dere one minute and gone da next and dey aint dun nuttin wrong. If dey aint breakin no rules whats be da problem? Can you riddle me dat?


I tagged him in his latest disguise earlier in the week & true to form he’s beginning to “infest” the quality threads with his crap again.

He seems to have a [B]nack[/B] of making an ass of himself very quickly indeed!

You picked him up on the pivot guys thread, the one I replied to - on only his 3rd post on the forum.
Man, you got impressive troll detection antennae going on there. :cool:

They ought to promote you up to moderator/security guard status with a radar sensor like that strapped to your back.

No wonder you’re quick in getting to grips with trading strategies if you can sniff dysfunctional freaks like him out in a flash.

Is that right. :rolleyes:
You’re breaking my heart.

The majority of people are sick & tired of crap like you spoiling the flow of decent forums like this.

Man, you must be one lonely individual if you have to resort to reinventing yourself on a trade forum just to get some socialising time in.

Do everyone a favor & go get a life. You’re nothing short of a joke

Looks like ya all pickin on dat Nack fella now. What in tarnations did he do? Did he p in ya alls cornflakes?

Funny, I was just about to say how nackered I am by all these trolls. And someone beat me to it.

Looks like ya all pickin on dat Nack fella now. What in tarnations did he do? Did he p in ya alls cornflakes?

Why anyone with half a brain can see what he did!

Ah! Set myself up with a great straight line for a good comeback there! :smiley:

Thanks for the detailed trade and explaining how there can be ground below the ground below the ground below the ground in your farming thread. Oh never mind.

The weekend is here, and the trolling is being ramped up.

Watch for “trolling” one-liners all over the Forum.

Carll, thanks for your help in eradicating the latest infestation.

The Whac-A-Troll machine is up and running.

No progress at all with those English lessons?

I’m so disappointed no one jumped on my straight line yet. I thought sure a troll would accuse me of having half a brain. LOL

In English class in college years ago, I used to sneak into the classroom before class when no one was looking and write funny things on the board. My favorite one was “I are speeching English goodly”, That one finally got a grin out of the professor. I didn’t think anything ever would.

We need this!! :slight_smile:

I used to do it all on my own!!

Now [B]Carll [/B]and [B]o990l6mh [/B]are the ones who are doing all the detection work!! :smiley: :smiley:

Thank you to both of you. :slight_smile:

Note also that the Admin now has some powerful weapons in dealing with the trolls.

If someone posts on a thread I start whether it be this forum or any other that I am a member of and attacks something I said, disputes it, finds fault with it, or in any other way starts an argument, I call that healthy debate, and I accept I am open to that when I start or post on a thread on a public message forum.
The trouble with internet forums are there are too many people who instead of accepting a thread they start is a public discussion thread which may or may not go in the direction they intended, they believe it is their own personal property and instead of accepting, debate and discussion on a thread they start may or may not agree with their own personal feelings, or go the way they wanted it to, at the first sign of it they cry troll like a big baby and run to the admins like a spoilt child running to their mommy for backup.
My feelings on this are, if you want your own personal stage on which to pontificate, without accepting debate and discussion, which may contain opinions that condradict your own, start your own self promoting blog and leave internet forums to those who are a little more open minded.

This thread is not the personal property of any one member.

This thread, like every other thread on this Forum, belongs to the owners of this website — whoever they are.

However, this thread has a topic, and everyone who posts here is expected to stay on-topic.

[B]The topic of this thread is trolls.[/B]

More specifically, exposing trolls, ridiculing trolls, and abusing trolls.

For our amusement.

If you want to participate in those activities, then you are welcome here, and we look forward to your contributions.

On the other hand, if you are a troll, or if you sympathize with trolls, maybe you want to stand up and defend trolls.

I suppose you could try that here, on this thread — your defense of trolls would be on-topic, technically speaking.

But, if that’s what you’re selling, don’t expect anyone here to be buying.


Define troll, because if, as often seems to be the case, someone, who even though they have a valid point to make, if it is in disagreement with the original thread starters point, they get called a troll, then yes I would defend them for trying to prevent the original poster from misleading people, and for giving an alternative view on the subject, which often makes for interesting and enlightening debate.

Spoken like a true troll.

Trolls are always demanding “definitions” and “proof”.

[li][B]Define[/B] [U]( fill in the blank )[/U]…

[li][B]Prove[/B] [U]( fill in the blank )[/U]…
Trolls love to start “debates” — that’s their word for verbal ping-pong.

Answers to all your questions:

[li]Post #26 — 301 Moved Permanently

[li]Post #54 — 301 Moved Permanently

The words you’ve chosen there perfectly illustrates everything that’s negative & distasteful about a trolls presence on any public forum.

This site isn’t about attacking or arguing. Neither is about attention seekers slithering onto a thread with the sole intention of disrupting & causing unecessary confrontation - the usual agenda of a troll.

It’s about the exchange of information, the exploration of a would-be traders development & the persuit of growth & achievement.

Sadly, individuals like you & the troll who is firmly under the spotlight on this thread, represent the negative side of information exchange.

The only positive is you’re very much in the minority & we should all be tremendously thankful for that.


It’s this behavior that deters more professionals from frequenting public forums such as this, whilst irritates & exasperates the majority of members who log in every day to participate in & peruse interesting, informative material.

Take the recent example on the Technical Templates Continued thread.
This troll absolutely trashed a thread set up to continue the theme of the previous 2 pieces of work.

Very little of his inane, one line garbage & accompanying clueless TRO chart nonsense reflected anything close to the subject matter contained within the material of the original 2 threads. He picks his subject matter carefully. Usually extremely popular material with high view counts for the the sole intention of disrupting & trashing them.

Fortunately, Jocelyn took it upon herself to step in, & with the assistance of the site owners & moderators, [I]“extract”[/I] the off topic excrement & haul it back on track. (I suppose you took offense to that too SDC??? :rolleyes: )

If it wasn’t for the sensible & professional attitude of people like this, these trolls & minority trash would run amok, disrupting threads & creating hostility & division all apparently in the name of “healthy debate”

If those hiding behind their “healthy debate” masks don’t care for the strength & sensible attitude of the forum moderation, the disgust & contempt of the majority of the forum membership or the direction the Babypips forum is being steered, then I don’t see anyone twisting their arms up their back to remain here as a contributor!

You’re free to frequent & post your “healthy debating” agenda on another forum that is more suited to your general attitude & intentions are you not?

Absolutely agree with the previous posts here (well, not SDC… :rolleyes:).

It’s about time to start a zero tolerance attitude around here to get rid of trolls.

I think the best recipe would be that the 10 first posts of new members be approved by admins/mods before made visible. There’s another big forex forum that does this and it seems to work.

Gee, I thought that my thread was the only one coming under very powerful attack!! :smiley:
These trolls are seeing us a canon fodder. :smiley:

Fortunately, Jocelyn took it upon herself to step in, & with the assistance of the site owners & moderators, [I]“extract”[/I] the off topic excrement & haul it back on track. …


Today, I thank the [B]Administration [/B]that we can simply click the “report post” icon on the top right hand of every post.
The Admin now runs surveillance 24 hour and they see the report posts immediately. :wink:

If you request a deletion with proper reasons, they act very quickly.
I have found this to save the shouting and rebuking match that used to be the norm on this forum. :slight_smile:

Absolutely!! :slight_smile: :wink:

I think the best recipe would be that the 10 first posts of new members be approved by admins/mods before made visible. There’s another big forex forum that does this and it seems to work.

Great idea, [B]o990l6mh[/B]!! :smiley:

well maybe that is sad in your eyes, now let me tell you what is funny in mine. What I find most comical is the hypocrisy of your post and you dont even realise it, you have just wrote a post aimed directly at me personally, argumentative in nature, and containing veiled insults, those very atributes you all list in your descriptions of a troll post !! LOL well at least you gave me a laugh i’ll give you that.
But on a more serious note, the exchange of information is a fine idea I wholeheartedly agree with that, but if you are against argument, and posts that disrupt the original posters discussion, your are setting the scene perfectly for individuals who for reasons beknown unto themselves, post misleading, or incorrect information under the guise of "sharing information’ or ‘teaching’, and for those people who wish to set themselves up as “forex guru” so they will recieve requests to manage accounts.
If no one calls them out or argues against what they are saying the door is wide open for any individual who is here to learn to get totaly mislead to their cost.
I come on this site to share information and if I can help someone I will I am not here to argue but if I see someone posting what I believe to be false information I believe the right thing to do is call them out on it.
If it wasnt for individuals who were prepared to argue, and call out people who give personal opinions under the guise of factual statements we would still all be being taught to believe the earth is flat and that we need to sacrifice virgins at dawn to appease the gods.