Where do you guys started?

Hey guys I am completely new to trading and I just installed tradovate but I am completely lost with the interface. How did you guys knew what you wanted to trade and just how to read a chart/use the app


Does this mean even though you know absolutely nothing about trading that you have opened a brokerage account for futures trading and deposited money into your account?

Sorry for being so blunt but this sounds ludicrous. Why on earth would you deposit money (assuming you have) into a trading account then find out it is confusing when you install the free software provided by the broker.

The best place to ask for help navigating around the Tradovate platform would be Tradovate themselves.

Then when it comes to developing a trading strategy, try to search for information about utilising the benefits of order flow, volume profile and or market profile.

If you can before risking real money with any trades use some method of demo or simulation trading. Once you are happy that you can build consistent profit move to risking real money.

Remember trading futures contracts you have minimum position size of one complete lot or contract so for a small account begin with micro contracts to suit your risk tolerance.

But better suited for small accounts is trading the spot market because you can open trades risking less money for the same movement against your trade plan.


If you are not happy with the assistance Tradeovate provides helping you navigate around their platform I suggest canceling your account with them and try another broker and platform.

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hi and welcome :slight_smile: I think you should start from education section


Why would this person begin with the education on this website? If they are trading futures the best strategies would make use of market data provided by a centralised exchange system. Otherwise one might as well trade the spot market using a MetaQuotes platform. And to my knowledge (correct me if I’m wrong) this website doesn’t give details of using market profile or volume profile or any order flow data.

  1. spread perspective
  2. fx and futures are derivatives, so market behavior is similar
  3. fx is cheaper as a start
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hey thank you for your reply and i have been into trading a bit in a way I understand some things like why you should have a stop loss /take profit, why you should have a strategy as well and I am going for a demo account obviously I didn’t mention it that’s on me. But I am kinda lost about what should I do to get used to the interface like should i find a strategy and train it for a few month or watch someone talk about the interface or is it something else.

thank you very much !

thank you so I will start by navigating around and find out about everything then make research on strategies to find out what i wanna do for a few months before opening my account I guess thank you very much for your help and you didn’t appear rude at all it would’ve been stupid from me to put real money without even understanding how a chart works.

There is no other way to familiarize yourself with the platform except for you to practice on it. It is important for you to know the platform like the back of your hand before risking your own money. I mean you dont wana find yourself wondering how to close a position thats bleeding your account to death.

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Welcome Blerr! If you’re just new to trading, I would agree with ProfesorPips. Start with the School of Pipsology to learn the basics of trading. Open a demo account and practice what you’ve learned without risking real money.

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Agreed. Hopefully this account isn’t here to promote Tradeovate :sweat_smile:

I got told it was the best free option out there tbh i didn’t look too much into it is tradovate bad ?

A friend once described such a situation’s solution as such:

¨It’s like a monkey with a rock. Just pick it up and do something!¨

In your case, just start hitting buttons and figure it out.