Where is everyone from?

I’m from South Ireland
The land of Guinness lol

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Though all my mum’s family are from London
Wembley to be exact love visiting my family in the UK

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Good to see plenty of Brits on here!


im in the UK too…Bournemouth


i love the black stuff


My Grand parents were from Sligo and Kilarney and emigrated to Boston, MA.

I’m just south of Boston!



UK born, Southport north west :slight_smile: currently live in Hong kong


I well remember Southport from my teens and 20’s - was brought up in Ormskirk so we went over there every Friday and Saturday night to meet girls. At least that was the idea…

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yeah iw was a nice place to grow up for sure. Ormskirk is quite close, small world isnt it :slight_smile:

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Sure is. Spent a brilliant week in HK but that was just before the hand-over to China. Having fun there?

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Yeah its awesome, total change from the UK haha. just about got used to working from home after being here a year

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I’m not far from there, I’m in exmouth by the seaside. Your right it is expensive but like you say you just can’t leave it’s such a nice place especially to bring up children I think.

Wow hong king I bet that’s an experience… Do you miss the UK?

What’s Bournemouth like I’ve never been?

It really is, I didn’t think there would be this many replies in the UK

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Ah I’d love to go to Ireland absolutely love the accent!

My grandparents visit family each year in Boston they love it :blush:

UK here too, London to be precise.

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London’s a big place T. Whereabouts you living? And how is it locally?

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I originally was born in USA, Boston. Moved to just south of Newcastle now, not sure why but I did lol