Where is the EU going with this?

Great News for “European Unity” as Mrs Vonderlyon issues grovelling apology on behalf of teh “European Union” - to Italy !

Or is it just yet more hyperbeaurocratic - BS ?

Here is some of the content of the ‘grovelling’ apololgy:

Ursula von der Leyen :slight_smile:
truth is needed to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic – including political honesty.:

too many were not there on time when Italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning,” Ursula von der Leyen told the European parliament. “And yes, for that it is right that Europe as a whole offers a heartfelt apology.

So “heartfelt” by EU Commission and “grovelling” by those who have gone - still cannot figure why these UK guys in the videos don’t realize that they have left, nobody in the EU or I suspect in the UK really care any more.

Just a thouught :slight_smile:

And just when I’m on about UK/EU here is a conundrum.

Why is the UK taking advantage of it’s transitional period to import EU migrants despite a lockdown?.

This week the first of 150 Romanian fruit pickers landed in London, another 5 plane loads en-route - how come these UK companies don’t use UK workers?

hmmm. according to Concordia (UK largest recruiter of volunteer workers) out of 35k UK applicants for farm workers a whopping 84% said… Nah… not for me.

Air Charter Service are flying out the planes empty to take the workers back.

Bet there is no video to link to :slight_smile:

The EU will be fine as long as it is beneficial to Germany, because it is the founder of the association and its leader in all respects, but is it beneficial to other EU members? That is a completely different question!

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So if it’s not benefitical to other members, why would the EU be fine then?

That is a statement we have heard many times in the modern era - and demanding that people “Mind their own business” in this way is one of the favourite tricks of the postmodernist Left -

leading to massive injustices - as we have seen happen when people take these demands seriously .

However I digress - the fact of the matter is we are far from “Left” (pun intended)

(Headlines 16th April 2020)
IMF Demands Brexit extension 17.4.2020
IMF 3 Sadi Khan
Fortunately No 10 are seemingly remaining firm
IMF2 No 10 says will not ask and if tehy do well say no 17.4.2020
BUT we have been fed the BS before and damn nearly let the globalist left overcome the democratic vote by devious means as they have done to so many of our European friends over the years . So this time, we will keep an eye on them - there is no way we shall take our eye off the ball - and we shall offer encouragement to othet friends who believe in the National Sovereignty which has been shown by the EU Debacle in this instance to be the Only means by which any real decisions can be made or any actions taken !

If people in the uk think we have “Left” - they are far from understanding - to the point perhaps of naivete ! We are apparently stuck with their financial weakness for at least the next 12 years and in unlimited amount on a Joint and Several basis !

Interesting that what they call the ECB (European Central Bank) is in no way a “Central Bank” in the way the Bank of England or the Fed for example are !

Sorry mate - we shall have “Left” when our potential liabilities are discharged or negotiated away and they are no longer in a position to commit our cash to their own whim !

Until that time we observers in the UK - shall as I said “Keep our eye on the ball”! :slightly_smiling_face:

Is it good or bad for the UK to leave the EU? and the whole of England?

Macron, has come out and warned that the “EU will fail without financial transfers” which is a direct assault against the Netherlands and Germany.

He has further warned that otherwise, the Union remains a purely economic project and cannot be a political player. Macron realizes that Europe cannot survive.

The ploy to try to keep debts in check and austerity will not work and he is demanding the excess money of the Netherlands and Germany be sent to other states as welfare checks. But then what?

The system is unsustainable and even if the Netherlands and Germany agreed, their surpluses will quickly prove to be futile.

Capital will flee Europe for there remains a risk that they will impose capital controls. That capital will flee to US equities as confidence in government debts suddenly declines dramatically.

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If I have heard that one once, i’ve heard heard it…

Just a quick google and the FT headline pops up: Capital is leaving Europe…

Chose that one because it was the first hit - May 2012

Oh - and so far as German surpluses - much the same was said re the unification of the East.

No need to click - it’s quite boring and picked at random:

Hmmm… seeing a post on the “New Eurozone Crisis” - first thought is oh no not yet another one - then I see the wide eyed guy in the middle.

Over here wide eyed guys are the guys that make money whilst others are talking :slight_smile:

Ah no… it’s not possible - another 12 years of those inspirational videos - you know that if you click to skip the ad the creators get zilch revenue.

Apologies, just reading this post now.

EU diplomat spoke to an Irish guy this week on Brexit - he commented ‘we couldn’t give a … about Brexit, too busy counting dead people’.

The UK PM’s last Brexit speech in Feb also used the term ‘European friends’ and then went on to suggest that the UK was going to go into a phone booth and emerge as superman to fix the covad19 problem.

So maybe it’s possible to understand the bad language when the word brexit was raised.

UK would be the country “ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion”.

What was that term you used … BS maybe?

Well that’s a revelation !

  • Thanks so much for bringing our knowledge forward :rofl:

I have no clue what you’re talking about here.

interesting video

But everything is ok ! :wink:

Can you not see falstaffs video image?

The guy in the center - he’s a trader who knows the market - do i really have to spell it out?

An update on the recovery fund - 2021 gets a mention above, haven’t bothered to view the video, just it’s headline.

2021 to 2027 is the next budget for the bloc, the EU 27 leaders on Thursday past requested Commission officials to ‘urgently’ come up with details on how the new fund will relate to that budget.

The budget will expand from 1.2% of gdp almost double that.

In money terms when asked is it in the billions (of Euros) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “we are not talking about billions, we are talking about trillions.”

Anyways - a good trader doesn’t rely on propaganda, he/she looks for facts. :slight_smile:

Now then - that’s Novel - Whatever happened to "Buy the Rumour - Sell the mews" ?

Anyhow here’s some more news ;

A somewhat more neutral perspective perhaps ?

EDIT 20.5

Get put in Jail for burning a cloth ? - Does even USA do this ? - I guess China would !

And democracy is now officially dead in France - (At least until Presidential Elections ) - Macron just storing up a major problem ?