Hey, I’m fairly new to the forex world and whilst the baby pips economic calendar is an excellent tool, i was wondering where the data initially gets released for say… The Aussie unemployment rate. Do those figures first get released at a press conference? if so what channel? Or is it released some other way initially.
Economic calendars usually release these figures at the same time, with a few seconds of delay. Sometimes financial TV channels like Bloomberg or CNBC cover these releases or you can find those in sites like Order Flow Trading - Become a Market Predator or forexlive.com.
I use the Netdania app on my smartphone for instant alerts on economic events. It’s pretty good. Twitter is also a great resource for event updates if you’re on your computer.
there are various sites and now social networks are also available for these updates but i think, news channels which provide financial market updates are best…
your mean is a report of economic ? you can see it on forexfactory website or you can see it on a economic calander of your broker . they supply all news about currency . you will be easy to see it .
I know this post is a few months old, but I’m curious if you’ve been having troubles with Netdania’s app lately? I seem to have been and am wondering if it’s just my phone or it’s the app as a whole
Do you have the same idea…ahhaha When I started with Forex I got obsessed with finding a way to get to the news first… I was like- if I get the news a bit sooner than the others I would be the first to know which way the market would be going… hahaah how I laugh at myself these days :36:
Most of the forex trading news I use comes from TheOnion.com … They have an institutional news feed that costs around $3,700 a month, but I won a 12 month subscription in a trading contest for free. Gives me a significant edge.
Im looking for a Economic Calender Similar to Bloomberg.com.
Whats interessting to me in this Economic Calender is that they show the Expert Consenus Range to Specific News Releases. My Problem with Bloomberg is that they only show US relevant News.
Does Anyone know where i can see the Expert Forcast Range for all Major Forex Markets (GB, EuroZone, Austrailia, Japan…).
I would really Appriciate a good Source! TY!