Where to go from here?

OK with the MP Fiasco over and the thread closed where do I go from here? I started trading at the end of last year closely following MP’s thread and “system” because it worked for me. Before that (and during) I’ve tried other “systems” and but none seemed work, make sense or were too complicated.

Now I still have a ways to go and lots of questions about his ways but I’m here to learn now I need to move forward. I have put together what worked for me but there are lots of failures and questions to be answered. Any suggestions where to go on this site? Who has a good system, thread, ability and patience to teach newbies?


I’ll suggest to you what I suggest to everyone. Go through the BabyPips school twice. After that, try out a bunch of the systems in the holy grail section. This will get you good and fluent in how different systems are constructed and what indicators work for you.

Next I always suggest learning support and resistance and becoming familiar with what it looks like. More than enough times I’ve had and indicator alert but didn’t take the trade because it was about to hit resistance…if I would have taken it I would have lost plenty.

I don’t know much about mp or the fiasco as I never followed it. But if you can’t trade by yourself you probably can’t trade then. Develop a plan that works for you because it’s not wise to let others trade for you.