Where will you be spending your Christmas 2023?

No, haven’t watched that!

My selection was some movies on Netflix (Christmas Chronicles 1,2 / A christmas prince 1,2,3 and A knight beforen Christmas)

I feel like I got to the top of a mountain, but now I see there’s an even bigger mountain to climb. :weary:

I want to get to that point like you where it’s going fine and it’s no big deal. Sounds like a good place to be.

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We were in Dresden. I think it best Christmas market in Germany

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Achievement is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

-Robert Collier

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That’s the feeling that makes most people quit. When you see the next big mountain, and feel overwhelmed, all you gotta do is suck it up, and take the first step. But you’ll start to see that as your new normal. It’s nothing new.

I’m not necessarily in a good place. I just meant that I’m not doing anything particularly different from any other day. Business as usual.

What mountain are you on top of? What is the next mountain for you?

I spent Christmas at home with family

The mountaintop is the 2 years it took me to go through the School of Pipsology. I have 27 lessons left to go.

The next mountain is the 10 years or more that it will take for me to become a professional trader. The School gave me a better idea of the skills I have to work on and how difficult it’s going to be.

I’m starting to like this new normal. I don’t want to go back to the way I used to do things and who I used to be before I went through the School.


Thank you so much dushimeees! :blush: I’m baaack! HAHA. :slight_smile: I feel like so much happened over the holidays, but to cut the story short, I had a lot of fun with family. We even got to ride a banana boat for the first time. :blush: I wish we had more time to enjoy other island activities, but we still had so much fun playing games and just eating together. :blush: How was yours? :smiley:

Tell me you at least had some great food at home?! :open_mouth:

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Thank you Chimmyyy! :blush: Not at all actually! :smiley: Maybe because the PH is a tropical country? :open_mouth: But I feel like it’s getting colder here recently. :open_mouth:

Aww. :blush: That’s great to hear, Mondeo! :smiley: You’re probably in Albania already. How are you liking the weather there right now? :open_mouth: I hope you enjoy your stay there and get some much-deserved R&R! :blush:

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OMG! :open_mouth: Are you also Filipino?! :smiley: I hope you still got some time to rest and celebrate Christmas, even though you were home alone. :open_mouth:

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Spoken like a strict mentor. :stuck_out_tongue: HAHA.

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That sounds so fun Nick! :blush: And I got to learn that you’re apparently from Sri Lanka! Haha. :smiley: I’m happy you got to spend time with your sisters and nephews! :smiley: Are they already back to their homes by now? :open_mouth:

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This was such a heartwarming read, Mondeo! :blush: And a very positive way to start the year. I’m glad that you were able to celebrate the holidays and, somehow, your wife’s birthday with people who care about you. :slight_smile: Thank you for the warmth and wisdom you give this community. :blush: And if you also feel like you wanna chat, I’m also always here for you! :smiley: Happy New Year, Mondeo. :slight_smile:

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It really was :innocent:

Yep :grinning:

Sadly yes, they went back last Sunday. stayed for Christmas and New years, even though they have a long school holiday this time, they left after staying little over one week.

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I’m always so glad you’ve surrounded yourself with kind humans and I think this is only possible because you are one yourself. Makes me smile reading your holiday recap. Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

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Glad to know you had fun on your holiday break!

I did! :blush: And I also hope you had fun with yours. :blush: Back to reality! :smiley: