Which broker for scalping, daytrade, etc

Hello everyone, been reading through the forums and this appears to be the best site I have found for easy to digest Forex information. So I’ve been playing on the demo traders for about a month now and am starting to look for broker. I want to find one, then play with there demo some before making my deposit. So, below are what I am looking for, and if anyone can provide information on which broker they suggest, I would greatly appreciate it.

[B]Trading style:[/B] I buy and sell frequently, sometimes in a few minutes, sometimes over an hour. So scalping has to be ok.

[B]Minimum Deposit:[/B] Looking to start with $50 to $100.

[B]Platform:[/B] I like the platform at GFTForex. I only plan on having maybe 1-3 positions open at a time, most likely 1 or 2.

[B]Withdraws:[/B] Would prefer a broker where someone has already used them and made a withdraw so I know I can get my money, if I make a profit.

I was leaning towards FXOpen, but then I read from people who said they closed their accounts or didn’t pay, etc. So any information you can offer is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

To me Onada is the best. If you want to scalp, their java platform is the fastest I have used. I have used them for years and never had a problem with deposits or withdrawals. Some of the tightest spreads too.

I agree with Hugh. Meets pretty much all the criteria you posted and I got my withdrawals pretty fast. I scalped with them for a few months before switching up trading strategies; had no issues however so that worked well.

I have started to try demo of Oanda, let’s check it))
AS for me i like scalping on Nordfx platform, for me it is the best one, but i am still searching my broker.

With that amount, you will not be able to open a scalping friendly account. You will be limited to market makers only. Scalping often defeats the dealing desk so the dealer will do what he can to protect the broker’s netting position and stop scalpers from profiting or delete their profitable orders.

FXOpen’s ECN account is ideal for scalping without restrictions. Scalping on Market Maker type accounts (Standard/Micro) is discouraged though.

Official company policy with regards to scalping in market maker accounts is to ask the client to move to ECN or close the account and withdraw, not just close the account and not pay. What you read from other people didn’t paint an accurate picture of how FXOpen operates.

Welcome and yeah, this forum rocks…
There’s a ton of info right here on the threads and you can get all the info you need. I am using Trader’s way and FXCM for trading on the ECN platform, so far, it is great for me; no issues.