Which Broker is best

Even if a company is regulated that still doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen TONS of fines placed on a lot of these so called “Regulated” brokers it’s sickening. Just because a broker is regulated, that doesn’t mean they won’t take your money and close up shop, believe me it can happen as well so you can never be too safe. The way I live is you’re innocent until proven guilty and your performance is really what I go by. I’ve seen problems with regulated and unregulated brokers so you can’t place all the regulated brokers in some happy bag and expect royal treatment…believe me that’s not the world we’re living in. Do your research before you choose ANY broker.

Location has everything to do with a brokers credibility.

Credible jewelry salesmen don’t sell merchandise out of the trunk of their car. Credible restaurants don’t sell food out of a dumpster. And credible forex brokers don’t conduct business from unregulated countries.

And people giving credible advise on internet forums don’t call people idiots. :smiley:

Please don’t call me an idiot! :mad:

I [I]am [/I]using reasoning and it surprises me that you can’t see the warning signs flashing around a broker that chooses to be registered out of some off shore haven.

Actually, their location [I]does [/I]have something to do with it. I would, in spite of your insult, like to give you a good link to read: 301 Moved Permanently I suggest you read through several of the most recent pages. I think you’ll find it fascinating how many companies, even in regulated countries, that go belly up. How do you think things are where there’s no regulation then?! Better? Not likely huh?

I’m not the moderator here any more than you, but I’ve been around for a while and I’m just trying to offer the best advice I can. If you don’t like my posts then just ignore them. Next time you call me an idiot or something like it I’m going to report you to the mods.

What it is you’re STREOTYPING individuals! You shouldn’t place all that garbage on a brokers head, that isn’t right and straight WRONG! Maybe if you talk with some logic and some sense then I could call you a SMART GUY :slight_smile: :wink:

If you can’t prove an un-justice from a particular broker then don’t blame them for something that HASN’T happened!! You’re going by what MIGHT HAPPEN and WHAT WILL happen but you CAN’T prove any of it so stop being so darn stereotypical and judge a broker by their performance and character and not by some CRAZY outrage you have with people from another country. This is why America is all messed up because we have people like YOU always judging and placing blame when its really unnecessary. I thought your mom or dad would have taught you that by now. I don’t care if you cry like a baby to the Mods…that still won’t stop the truth. Everybody is NOT going to agree with everything you say…you forgot we’re living in 2009 my man!

o990l6mh isn’t American. As all his posts clearly say, he’s from Sweden…

Now who’s stereotyping. :smiley:

ANYBODY could go belly up for that matter. If a broker wanted to take your money they could and FLEE the country and it won’t be nothing you can do about it!! This is the REAL world we’re living in. Regulation won’t stop Jane or John from stripping you for all your cash…remember that!! Regulated brokers aren’t SAINTS like you claim them to be. Same instance if 2 people were married, what is stopping them from cheating on each other…a piece a marriage document?? HaHa…I don’t think so!

People from all around the world stereotype, nothing is stopping people from Sweden either :wink:

First of all, America isn’t messed up because of me - I’m European!

Second, you’re absolutely right that I am looking at what might happen. That’s all we can do! I guess you think putting your money with a Nigerian broker would be smart? I don’t - and I admit, that’s completely based on my “stereotypical” thinking.

The truth is out there as Mulder would say, but I’m starting to have doubts as to whether you’re mature enough to find it.

Obviously this thread is on a level I’m not comfortable with, so I’ll just go and cry like a baby now… and you can dispel all your wisdom without me annoying you.

It would be nice though if you could produce a detailed post on how you “judge a broker by their performance and character” -I have no idea what that means, please feel free to educate the thread readers.

I never said he was from America, read the post thoroughly…I said people in America have judgemental people like him here where I’m from. Just like you have to do your research on a broker, you also have to investigate people’s paragraphs before you form your own judgement lol :smiley:

I agree. This guy is obviously not interested in a mature discussion, so I’m putting him on my ignore list and won’t continue to clog up this thread by responding to him.

So you’re saying being stereotypical and judging brokers by their location and saying they commited a crime before it ACTUALLY happened is mature??

HaHa, I’m really confused and I really don’t know where your head is at…:frowning:

Like I said before, don’t expect everybody you run into to agree with what you have to say so come to grips with that and don’t get upset and build hate in your heart…

If a company or organization has been fraudulent than show the world…show people written documentation and facts to back up your story then maybe me and others will believe you. If not, you should keep all the negative comments and opinions you might have for a broker to yourself if you can’t PROVE it. I think that is totally disrespectful and thought out without any logic. Bad circumstances can happen to any broker unregulated or not.

Yes you’re right, being a regulated forex broker doesn’t mean you’re totally safe, but you’re way safer than with non regulated ones.

Regulations exist for a reason and we can translate them as minumum requisites that prove that in some way you’re being straightforward.

Those who are not, in some level are denying their capacity to fulfill these requirements.

But again, you’re right, you can choose any broker you want, that’s not up to me, so be my guest and tell me how it goes with your broker from whatever country you choose.

I’ve notice someone else asked about the following, but there were no reply. so, i’ll try it here.

Which brokers meet the following criterias:

  1. Uses MT4 platform

  2. Able to do pending orders (buy stop, sell stop, buy limit and sell limits). Some claims that the new US NFA rules will disallow these pending orders for those brokers, which are members of US NFA.

  3. Offers debit cards or other ease of money transfers method. As i prefer to be able to transfer my trading deposits in and out freely with lowest transfer cost. This is to avoid my deposits being wipe out, when i forgot to put in a SL and did not monitor the screen for days.

  4. I’m stereotypical person, so I prefer regulated brokers, but subject to item 2 above.


Jadefx is the best. Call up Jacob in the Wiscinsin Dells and say howdy. He knows his stuff. Him a nd his buddies formed this firm so they would not be screwed by other brokers. On the Donna Forex forum a poster said he visited them at their office in the Dells.PUr STP baby is the answer

You are a ways from Wisconsin beautiful in Louisiana but you should give Jacob a call In the Dells,Wisconsin. He just helped a gal in Canada who had been screwed by an unscupulous broker and she lost $14,000.00. He has managed accounts too. I like IAMfx in New York city,you get a free VPS with them which is only <1 millisecond from the New York price feeds.

I spent 4 months researching brokers and since I am in the US and I like to send checks instead of expensive wires I researched all US brokers. The best non FIFO are Jadefx, IAMfx and One Corp. they are ECN/STP. One Corp is closer to you in Lousiana,they are in Phoenix but their server is in Boston. Jadefx for $26.00 will set you up with a VPS located with their servers which are located close to the main bank feed servers in Boston. IAMfx will give you a free VPS located in NY city close to the main NY bank feeds. If you don’t care about FIFO you can go with MB trading which just came out itheir new live Metatrader 4 platform. They are fully regulated. Always demo so you get a feel for each one.

Hi everyone!

It’s really good to try different brokers with different platforms, because experience is the most important. But after trying, I think, it’s better to find THE ONE, that suits you best - who has a reputation in the financial market, where the customer care support is very good and of course, it must be safe and reliable! :stuck_out_tongue:

Definite demos help to grow yourself matured. The best investment is always the investment on your brain. Without a doubt, Forex trading needs much more than just a few guidelines or tips to be successful. Experience, knowledge, capital, fortitude, and even some help of luck are all crucial in one’s success in the FX market. if you lose in a trade, do not lose the experience in it. Learn from your mistakes and regain your position in the next trade :wink:

agree…stability is the most important factor