Which broker offers 'lowest' deposit amount? Must work with ZuluTrade

You are right - sometimes new signal providers as well as TOP Famous providers I know :wink:

hey check out the good good systems…i have a nice feeling on this one;)
how did you close down trading last week?

It seems so good to be the truth! :wink:
Look at the warning - WARNING: This signal provider has a 100% winning trades ratio! This strategy can lead to high drawdown. Be careful!

so, i will try it, danger is my power :wink:
Let you know after 1 week

sure saint sarah, post results whenever you are ready!
good luck trading and all :wink:

well, you cant do really much with a 50 bucks no matter what the leverage is…actually to trade forex with at least 500 in order to get some decent results.

If you have only 50$ for start trading with Zulu - it will be a long way to have big profit. I think that you have to have a little bit more then 50$. I had 500$ when i started, and only after 6 month i have just +200$ of the profit. May be you are lucky or you have fantastic strategy , but you have to be the realist :wink:

Thanks Eddy Mo for good good systems!It shows a good start, let’s see the results after 1 month!

glad I could help StSarah. post results when you are ready :wink:
good luck!

Hi St Sarah, I was curious onto this. How did this go for you?

Hello there friend!
I think St. Sarah is not trading on zulutrade anymore…for some reason…used to but not anymore.
after all, know it is not easy all the time…unless you put on automode - you have average but gains of course :slight_smile: