Which broker offers 'lowest' deposit amount? Must work with ZuluTrade

I am looking into opening a live account with a broker. Broker must work with Zulutrade. I want to deposit a small amount as a test.

Which broker offers smallest deposit amount in the market & works with Zulutrade?

Many thanks!

How much you would like to deposit in zulutrade?

who knows, usually this type of questions leads to a small amount of 50 bucks or less.
btw, 993 - should you wish to test , open a DEMO with virtual money, results are real though :wink:

bigscud: $50 or less as a start
Eddy Mo: I already tested Zulutrade for about month on Demo and am happy with the results. I would like to start trading on a real money account.


993, good for you!
have you piched up broker yet?

993 i think hotforex , the newly integrated broker with zulutrade is offering as a minimum deposit 50$. What exactly do you want to test ? Because this amount is very low for forex standards.

Hotforex is good and it’s also on zulutrade, but I am not sure about its minimum deposit amount, I also wondering why it’s important.

it’s not important, and people that take it in consideration are actually not serious about it. So you gonna invest 50 bucks with a leverage of 1:500 and you got yourself a 25K operating capital …then you got greedy and start opening trades increasing margin and then when (and it usually happens) the trend goes against your trader you end up with a margin call within a week.bottom line you end up with nothing with your offshore broker and you actually think that you played forex and lost.Seriously!@!

This has got to be the first time I have agreed with EDDY MO. $50 is not going to get you far. I am not saying you cant do it but on zulutrade it will be extremely hard as when your trader places a trade he has his capital in mind with his risk management which will certainly not be in the same ball park as yours. Show unless you are trading partial ultra micro lots I will have to say your pretty much doomed before you even get your feet wet.

Thats what i’m talking about , 50$ will get wings and fly very quickly , Mike have you played in forex before or is this your first run?

I want to suggest you for Avafx and Oanda, both work with Zulutrade. Visit its official website and match your requirements with their services.

fxdd does accept deposit $50 for micro account. I agree, that when trade placed by signal provider goes against me I could get a margin call soon, especially since my balance is so small. Also stats of provider gives you an indication about his worst trade, etc. The reason for this small deposit amount is that I want to test things on a live account and not willing to invest a big amount at this time.

There are many brokers who offer low entry deposits and as regards zulu, you can check this in google by using the search string option…

well you can easily test on demo? it does work the same way …with virtual amount of money that you wish for eventually to invest. u can backtest, run simulations and play with lots and trades and SPs untill you get your stuff together. Seriously 50 bucks wont get you anywhere, better go out and spend them on smth that will produce better results. but should you wish go ahead do your test, but when you fail (and you will) do not go along and say that the ‘platform s not good or the traders are bad’ …it will be like saying …oh i want to win the lotto but i bought only one ticket.

Eddy Mo,

smth, whats that? :slight_smile:

smth=something…sorry I usually get bored to write it all, so I tend to abbreviate.
So, what did you deside? which broker are you gonna open your zulu-account with?

Almost all brokers have ZuluTrade platform now, so you can choose broker you want. I know that Nordfx, Hotforex have 50$ min deposit with Zulu, but you have to understand that you will have a lot of chances to lose it, i started from 500 $,but still have small profit, if you want to earn real money you have to invest more. And also be careful with providers, i change them every month - because they have trend to lose your money after some time,even top 10 providers))

hello there st sarah, long time no see!! glad to see you found the magic strategy with the SPs. however some do last a bit more than that but nonetheless do chech them out regularly :wink:
how much $$$ did you manage to collect so far?


For last 6 month it is around 200$ (my first deposit was 500$), because i check my zulu account 2 times in a month. Some times it gives around 10% in a month, but sometimes - minus 5%-10%. What is your magic strategy???So interesting…

not bad not bad at all. this is ‘zulu on autoforex’ as i tend to say it :stuck_out_tongue: same strategy i left for a long summer vacation and my account was pipping quite well (there were losses of course as we all know) but got my 786 bucks out of it. my magic strategy is to rotate the signals (And look for rising stars as well) …i regularily check the ZT forum new signal provider section.