Which broker?

Hi All,

I’m new in to the forex world.
I don’t have a big budget, so I’m looking for a cheap broker, and it must be accessible via the internet.

My budget is max. € 100.
So what is a good broker?

I hope I’m not breaking any forum rule.

Kind Regards,

Rik de Graaff // rikdegraaff

I’ve only been doing this for a few months, so please take my advice with a grain of salt. It is really important (I so wish I did this at your stage) to understand the types of brokers there are, and what the pros and cons are. It really comes down to understanding the difference between market makers (who create the market for your trades) versus ECN brokers. There is a lot that has been written about both types. I believe that brokers are required to disclose the number of accounts they have and the percentage profitable vs not. You really want to assemble a list of questions and investigate because you will learn a lot. There is a book I found helpful called ‘All About Forex Trading’ by John Jagerson and S. Wade Hansen. I use one of the well known market makers, and find they have very good software, good classes, and are usually helpful. If I make a lot of money and do this for a living at some point, I would probably switch to one of the large well known banks like Deutsche.

Hi rikdegraaff,

Welcome to forex world, there are some brokers who allow to open account with € 100 or $ 100 or even less (micro account). You should choose regulated broker who allows the same, check 100 Forex Brokers, you can find various brokers who can meet your needs.

Both thanks for the replies.
I gonna look at the link, also thanks tot that

If someone has more information, I would like to read it.


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Why do some brokers not accept people from the USA?

I don’t know, because I’m Dutch.
So I hope they’ll accept people from Holland :wink:

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