Which 'inidcator' can i use to show Reversal?

Can somebody pls. tell me which Ind. i can use to show Reversal that is non-lagging in nature ?

Is Stochs. closest to telling me about Trend Reversal ?

I’ve used a customised 2line MACD ind. but it’s lagging in nature & cross on MACd is shown almost 3-4 candles after trend has reversed on the chart !

Thank - Mave

The best indicator for reversal are candlesticks, especially long wick candlesticks. Most indicators are lagging and will tell you what happened in the past. When you are trading, you want to know what is going to happen now, not what happened two days ago. When candlesticks are used in conjunction with S/R lines, they make a great team. Learn to read candlesticks, and become less reliant on indicators. PM me so if you want to learn more.

Stochs, or MACD divergence as well as candlesticks are going to be your best bet.

I cannot PM you, but I would like to learn more nevertheless. Can you suggest how to start reading candlesticks?

Go to Forex4noobs.com. There is an education section about candlesticks. There are also free ebooks on using candlesticks and S/R lines. If you want to go in depth about this trading methodology and have $150 to spare, buy the video course.

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