Which one do you prefer to learn?

I think learning and knowing about mt4 is good idea due to it is used by a wide variety of brokers. But one of the essential components of forex is learning about it, so you must do it initially. it is a wise to start learning forex as a beginner.

interesting! where can i learn how to use this mt4?

Google and you tube!

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These two relate to the same business, namely trading. You use trading platform as MT4 to trade currencies, which are part of forex.

Right. While both MT4 and MT5 trading platforms have their own features and advantages some traders find MT4 easier to use

from my first day of trading i have been using MT4 which is really comfortable.

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wow i didn know that i can find these things on Utube and google. when i ask something here i want ma answer here and way different from what i can find somewhere else.

How about learn Tradingview. It’s probably like MT5 anyway. MT4 is like 1990s early websites.

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ive heard about that before but didn try it. ill give it a look thanks :green_heart:

When I am trying to learn on forex it also includes MT4.

I also think MT4 is user-friendly.

I would prefer mt4 trading platform because I understand this platform much and I can easily use technical tools on this platform.

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And also for technical analysis you have to learn about forex.

For using this platform you need to learn forex at first.

I have been using mt4 trading platform since the beginning of my trading career. Mt5 is better for stock trading actually.

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I think mt4 will be easy for me to learn. Mt5 is a rarely used platform and mt5 has different chart patterns than the other one.

learning is very important , no way to deny but any kind of learning approach can be useless if there no regular level of practice session.

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agree , by and large traders take demo as a best part of practice session but this experience not works when start a real account , this is a really major problem . for that reason i always prefer micro account instead of demo.

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all the same

learning is vital