Which one is better? Cardano vs Solana

Which one is better between Solana and Cardano? Currently, they’re on top 4 and top 6. Do you think one of them will beat Ethereum?

Do you have any of the 2? I only have Cardano. Been holding my Cardano since 2017.

If ETH gas fees stay ridiculous then one of them will probably beat Ethereum. Who knows though with crypto!

Same. I also have Cardano. :smiley: Do you have plans of adding more ADA?

Finally sold the last of my ADA. Once my back and forth buying and selling was all complete, I tripled my initial investment. Not too bad. But had I held my initially buy from 2020, and never touched it, I would have had a 1400% gain. That’s trading.

I think SOL has the greater potential to be market changing. Price was moving and shaking today. Should continue into next week as there is a SOL developer conference.

I can’t get myself to add any substantial amount at the current prices. :expressionless:

Cardano positioned in third place by market cap. But Solana is in seventh place. So, if Solana wants to claim to be an Ethereum Killer, it has to overtake Cardano in market cap.

I earned pretty much with both coins, SOL earned more but I see ADA is much more reliable to grow.