Which One Is Better?

Hi all,
I’m new to this forum and I’m just wanna know which one is better between FXCM and Oanda for a beginner?..:slight_smile:

Yeah… I have that same question as well… so which one is better?


The primary reason being is that you can adjust your lot size from 1 unit to 1,000,000 units. This is an excellent way to get the feel for real money trading without sacrificing a whole lotta money.

And what’s their difference in the first place? aside from the fact that Oanda is okay when in terms of lot size…

Oanda also has no account deposit minimum for live accounts (you can literally start trading with $10) and their demo platform has an unlimited duration.

Oh okay… that’s pretty cool!:cool:

Yeah, once your account balance is more substantial, there may be no difference at all at that point.

I’ve never traded with FXCM, but have thought about it from time to time. They may have equally as good customer service and support and equally good uptime.

Aside from that, FXCM has more restrictive trading hours whereas Oanda starts moving at 11AM EST Sunday till 5PM Friday. Most other brokers close up at 4-4:30 on Fridays and don’t re-open till 4-5PM Sunday. So if you’re an addict…:rolleyes:

thank you! I just thought i will going to try Oanda…

Anyway… How about Metatrader? I mean, what’s the use of it…?