Which one is the best website for broker choosing

Could you please introduce some of the best broker listing websites? and why do you think they are better than others? I am asking this because there are a lot of different websites for this and each of them has a different review.

Unfortunately I think your asking an impossible question! It’s one of those ask 100 people to draw the same sunset and get 100 different pictures situations.

Which broker you choose can be influenced by many different factors such as, where you live, what kind of trading do you want to do, how much you have to trade, your appetite for risk etc etc. The only piece of advise I can give which is the same for everyone is that you must always make sure the brokers is a regulated broker in its country of operation.

If you have a look through some of the recent posts in the ‘Broker Discussion’ section you may get some answers:

Latest Broker Discussion/Forex Brokers topics - BabyPips.com Forum

Choose a broker regulated by the fca if you’re in the UK or sec in America. You won’t get awesome introductory offers, but you won’t get scammed.

I think forexpeacearmy but some people give paid reviews and in that case, we have to be sure ofa broker’s regulation and fund security factor.

I can not understand how that is related to my question! i dont mean to offend but I just asked for the bet listing websites not the best broker.

Thanks a lot for this part

honestly i value people’s review way more than regulations, i belive if there is an organization who is active for a long time and has positive reviews, in this case it will not worth it to buy comment

brah, which listing website not broker, a listing website, a review website somewhere that writes or collects real information and releases them honestly, like for example trustpilot but they are not really honest.

There is no such website. Reviews on those kind of websites like Trust Pilot are mostly fake and most of the listing sites will only list and review brokers if they can get affiliate marketing kick backs when you click the links.

Better off doing you own research.

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You don’t know any of us, so how do you know how to separate the wheat from the chaff? Especially as a Newby.

I agree that some brokers can be trusted that aren’t in a strong regulatory region. But how do you know who they are? Most are not and it costs nothing to set up a load of email addresses and post false positive reviews.

I’ve see myforexfunds championed by loads of people and that’s just been shut down for fraud.

You don’t know how to identify the truth, nor do I, so go with a regulated broker to avoid the gamble

I personally like Trustpilot. You can read reliable reviews over there, cause they take all of them to be posted by real customers. Even though there are fake reviews, the number is significantly lower compared to other similar websites. Also, Quora is a good place if you want to find some more detailed reviews and customer experiences.

The problem is, like all social media sites, you can buy reviews to boost your score. You see it all the time in the news about so called influencers being caught out buying hundreds of thousands of likes, views and followers.

I bet if you googled ‘buy trustpilot reviews’ you’d get hundreds of links to websites of people who’s primary business is taking money and to provide written trustpilot reviews.

I went to daytrading.com and searched for a broker that I know to be a scam, there have been TV shows about them. And incredibly, out of over 500 reviewed brokers they are ranked number 86. The reviews even state how many problems people have with them. They are regulated in Cyprus.

Does that not scare you that over 80% of brokers are worse than a known scam broker?

If you still think going for an unregulated broker is a good idea, then I know a Nigerian Prince who has an incredible investment opportunity for you.

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the bottom line is (and i intend absolutely no impoliteness at all!) that if that’s so, it isn’t really going to be possible for anyone here to help you

what you’re asking for is simply a comparison of affiliate marketing sites, all plastered with affiliate links and recommending whoever pays them good commissions

what you’re missing (again, i’m not criticising, because none of us knew this when we started!) is that the brokerages most widely recommended by the most people are usually the worst ones, and you don’t yet understand why that’s always going to be the case, simply through inevitable inexperience

i could give you links to a few threads that explain it all in a little more detail, but this isn’t what you really want to read, is it?

i wish you good luck, but honestly you’re going to need some: it may be that (again, not disparaging you!) you’re one of the people who has to learn the hard way

where and by whom your account is regulated is - ultimately - all that really matters, everything else is inconsequential by comparison, but that isn’t what you want to hear? sorry … :weary:

It actually costs a lot to do that! I am saying that as a former business holder. i tried to posit positive reviews on my own business in trust pilot, most of then got excluded and removed, I tried to have another person do that for me, he charged me for that, yet not even my grade was changed by one star, that was the time that I realized it is less costly to actually improve ur business than to pay people to act as if you are doing good!