Who Am I? A potential candidate to wealth!

Hi everyone. My name is José Manuel. I live in Portugal, in Lisbon and I am an absolute beginner to FOREX. Which means: another candidate to wanting to be filthy rich quickly, or to get absolutely impoverished and indebted!!
I expect to belong the first category I mentioned above, reason why I registered with the Baby Pips.
Since I am new here, I shall be needing advice and support.
I am excited to belong to this community and hope to contribute to it.


I am not so sure that is how the forex trading thing works, lol.

With your mindset you’re on the fast track to provide another candidate waiting to be filthy rich quickly.

FX is a zero sum game which means another human is taking the opposite view to you every trade you make - and as a beginner what odds do you think you have to be successful?

Or you get lucky.

Welcome! Go get 'em!!


You forgot the other newbies the one who just grind away neither the high or low, they are probably the ones who have more chance of success.

“to be filthy rich quickly”. Either that or lose everything you have. Good luck, wrong mentality.

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I’m definitely with you there! Makes two of us :grinning:

petezaa if you dont have much you might as well risk it, if you lose you can do it again and again. i know its unpopular but whats popular is not always correct. so sorry its the correct mentality. study hard for years, develop the perfect system and go all in to… yes get rich fast, so when something goes wrong you barely feel it.

i know you dont agree but you are wrong