Who are the best traders?

The best traders aren’t those who take the biggest risks, but those who know exactly how much they’re willing to risk.


Banks and retail traders with a huge balance to withstand the biggest swings.


Successful traders excel not by taking excessive risks, but by adeptly quantifying their risk tolerance, and meticulously strategizing to manage and control potential losses within a predefined framework.

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can your own “predefined framework” speak any human English, as well as this artificially-generated bot-text?: :rofl:

The best trader isn’t necessarily the one who has achieved the largest gains, as such gains may be attributed to luck or to taking substantial risks that fortuitously paid off. Rather, it is the trader who has endured the greatest losses and yet remains active and resilient. This individual has not only continued to trade despite setbacks but ULTIMATELY made trading their full-time occupation, managing to generate a respectable income while maintaining a very low risk of ruin.

A notable example would be Alphahavoc from Babypips, who is HIGHLY ANTICIPATED to pass the FTMO challenge in 2024 and become a full-time trader by the end of 2025.

" Time will tell "



And is being cheered on from the sidelines even by some recent arrivals who don’t yet know him at all but have still been impressed and pleased by his journal.

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It’s true that banks and traders with substantial balances can endure larger swings, but risk management remains essential for everyone

Success in trading often boils down to meticulous risk management and disciplined execution of a well-thought-out strategy. It’s not about taking reckless risks, but rather about intelligently quantifying and managing the risks you’re comfortable with.

Successful traders are those who can carry decent amount of profit by not exposing trades to risk.

If you don’t know what you’re risking, eventually you risk everything without even knowing it.


If you can maintain consistency, you will become the best trader of the world.
consistent strategy, consistent betting size, consistent execution, …

This all depends on how you define ¨the best¨, right?

Based on profit? Based on %? Based on a certain amount of time? Lots of profit in the short-term is very different from profit in the long-term.

Is a guy who takes three long-term trades a year on a $1M account a better trader than the guy who makes the same profit (or more) scalping?


Totally agree. The best traders aren’t the risk-takers, but the ones who understand their limits and know precisely how much they’re willing to risk.


I can relate a lot with this.

It’s more like the saying, “if you don’t plan, then you plan to fail”.

No one plans not to be successful, but not doing anything about becoming successful, will definitely lead to being unsuccessful.

For me I feel it’s more of a personal thing than a general one.

Because, in the end, it’s more about being profitable with what works best for you.

I guess the measure of best in trading would have to be those that have highest annual returns while still having acceptable draw down.
Normally you would be searching for the best in institutional trading firms. Although I suppose there may be the rare retail trader who gets on the list of best traders.

Interestingly searching for world’s best trader I came across this website.
Unfortunately I would be guessing the only measure the rank traders by would be percentage gain.

I think best traders are those who take valuable decision in rough and unfavorable conditions too.

Who are the best traders?

My take on this is that the best traders are those who leave the market with way more than they put into it no matter how they do it.

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