Who is buying meme coins?

Here is one I was looking at last night. The line is a reasonable entry (imho) for a potential 3X. I’ll give this one two months because it has been around for some time now.

This will add to a portfolio that contains about 40 such high risk, high reward tokens. It is the equivalent of my lottery tickets, except you get to participate every week, not just one week. Once you buy one of these minnows, you get a chance to 100X every week. Crypto is like a dog. It is not just for Christmas, it is for life. :rofl:

Note the MCAP is $25M. If it were to get to $1bn, that is a 40X. So a $50 investment would be $2,000. Trying to do this with one or two tokens is like a national lottery. Trying to build up 50 or 100 components is a different story.

These are the very wild ones:
These are the not-so-wild ones.
25 components in total

That’s actually an interesting way to think about it, with the lottery ticket analogy that really keeps giving you a chance over and over. Compared to a regular lottery ticket, once the drawing is over your ticket is worthless.

That is right. I created this plan, almost by accident, in 2022, and bought into just two of these minnows, for different reasons. Both are “winners”. A winner is defined as an investment where I have been able to recycle 100% or more of the funds at risk back to USDT (or ETH, or SOL, depending on the minnow and the least cost transaction fee). I never get out of any crypto investment completely. The winner can be achieved if the minnow doubles (that doesn’t happen that often) or in the case where I have chosen to buy / sell the minnow over a period of months, and my net cost has reached zero. I still have some of both those participants. On one I made about $600 but on the other I made over $4,000, which amounted to over 20X gain. I sold all of the big gain in Nov23 and bought back into it at 1/3 the price I sold, in Jan24. Since Nov23, I have started my “shootcoin phase 2”, where the total number of participants is just over 30, and I have declared six “winners”. One is up over 500%, so that is the closest to a lottery ticket in my collection. It is not all gains. Two of them are down nearly 80%. But this is a medium term strategy, even though two of the “winners” doubled within two weeks of buying. That was just good luck of timing. The current investment is less than 10% of my crypto and crypto is less than 10% of “all other stuff”, so I can afford to treat this plan exactly as described - a lottery ticket proxy that just keeps on giving. In fact, that has reminded me - my father once bought me some NSI premium bonds over 30 years ago. Never won a prize. I think I will withdraw those bonds and buy just one or two minnows and see how they perform. The inflation value of my premium bonds must have lost at least 50% over 30 years. Thanks for the reminder. :laughing:

Well, investments are risk right? So the question comes back to are you profitable. Do you look at each coin separately when deciding that, or together, so like your sh*tcoin phase 2 total?

Early this year I took a decision to withdraw all fiat funds I had invested in crypto since starting. That left me with a five figure sum representing profits since 2021. Since then, 80% of those funds are long term BTC, ETH and SOL. I do trade them, but in timeframes of months, not days. The other 20% is split between two funds - the first I call Shootcoin Team, started in Nov23 and doubled the fiat input in Mar24 . That portfolio is up .2.75% YTD, and I have withdrawn 3.6% back to fiat (a present for someone who helped me with no expectation of reward). So overall that part is up 6.3%. I only evaluate that every six months, so that will be 10Jul24. The second I call the Meme Coin Sniper fund started in March 24. That one is up 55% and I have not withdrawn any funds from it. It is important to note that the range of ups and downs in the Meme Coin Sniper fund are extreme. Since March it it has been up nearly 150% and down 40%. It is too early to tell whether this could be a smash hit, but my objective was to grow it 10X by end of 2025. We will just have to see how it goes. My target for the first fund is 100% growth per year. That is why it is such a small proportion of my overall crypto plan. If you want something to double every year, you had better be prepared to lose it all. My target for the 80% of funds is a reasonable 25% per year, and I would even be happy with 15%. The important thing to me is that over a four year period, crypto has been the most profitable pursuit I have put a reasonable amount of money into. And that makes me happy. :grin:

Oh man the market tanked since our last chat. How did you fair and did you hold all the way through?

My 80% longer term portfolio has had no change since our chat. My 20% of Alt coin components is down about 40% since starting, and again I have made very few changes. This is a 2 year portfolio that I bought into in Mar24, and its performance, though disappointing, is within my risk tolerance given that the goal is to double its value within 12 months and double again for the next 12 months. By definition, what I choose to put in this portfolio is very high risk. It does not bother me. I have some other, far larger things going on like moving home, remortgaging Buy To Let properties and decreasing my long term debt by 25% this year that is taking up most of my time. The crypto stuff can wait, and does not require much of my time. In fact the less time I spend on it now, probably the fewer mistakes I will make. :rofl:

Edit - the wild ones - 7 different tokens

The not so wild ones - 26 different tokens

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I bought some BRETT a while ago, so good with constant growth, worth checking out for sure.

None of coin is safe to trade. It’s the game of fear and greed.

I had met few meme coin developers. All of them were playing the price. Many ways to “trick” the market to move. The early bird will bring the snack home, the rest will starve to death.

I dunno if the same way is still be used to move the market nowadays. But I don’t see any different from the past. That’s because no fundamental can be linked to the rise of coin’s price. Even BTC is still inherit the same behavior.

So trade coin after you know all the consequences.

@Mondeoman Are any ETH based? I know you’re a fan of SOL.