Who says trading without a stop loss is stupid? Find out why this guy thinks it’s not!

this is awesome man, good job! :slight_smile:

LOL - that’s not my account - thank god

lmao oh damn, I thought it was

If my account looked like that I’d be closing it down and going back to the chalkboard.

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My understanding is that this kind of strategy makes consistent profit by delaying all your small losses, pushing it out into one big loss that can wipe out your small gains in an instant.
So I agree, it’s impossible to judge performance by an equity curve over a small time frame.

Since it says that he’s been trading for 20 years I was hoping he knows something I don’t however. :slight_smile:


Another one for Anton to Steal



20 years, thousands of demo accounts burnt to ashes. What he knows, you don’t want to know, ever.

that’s not just an “understanding” - it’s a fact

correct, here

anyone with longstanding successful trading experience, any trading book author, any authority website, any forum, and generally anyone who knows what they’re talking about :wink:

that’s for sure :weary:


What a wonderful summary

I think we may be missing someting here lads :grinning:

Does Warren Buffet use stops losses ? Anton Kreil ? Barclays Bank ?

I wonder why not ? :roll_eyes:

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because Anton is a marketing chump - see below $$$$$$$$$

because Barclays bank almost went bust - see below

because Warren… well… ok fair one

Edit: Actually no, im sure Warren buys stock unleveraged - he also doesn’t trade a $1,000 account and hope and hold :slight_smile:


Be careful what you reply with

I’ve seen the crap posted on Discord chat room :wink:

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I think you’ll find he evolved from a successful trader - (Goldman Sachs)

Not through their trading operations though.

The reality is that these people / institutions use zero leverage, choose their timings and await the market movng in their favour. Smallish portions of their portfolio on any particular gamble.

They do not get rich quick - although Kreil says you can look up GS daily profits in that “annihilates Video”

SO if it’s good enough for the likes of Buffet - Why not be a consideration for the likes of us ?

@rrram2 does have certain parameters he wants to see conformed to before taking longer term bets and the instruments he trades do seem to change.

But then I have spent a good few time units readng some of his stuff - so I observed some of these things. Some critics here do seem to be rather “Firing from the hip”.

There is truth tho’ in the assertion that his whole system has not been revealed, certainly in sufficient detail for the likes of us to just “copy” without some of our own thought.

I am still loathe to say it’s B’LLX eventho’ I don’t understand properly. - But I certainly think it has elements many of us could benefit from by thoughtful consideration rather than "band-wagon condemnation " ! :wink:


That’s a fair reply, and more grown up than I could have perhaps thrown together.

And yes, I do fire from the hip, just like I do in trading, it’s more of an art than a science.

As long as I don’t misfire and shoot someone in the way then it seems to be working

And there is merit to holding and hoping, but my gosh, you need a substantial bank roll to play that game in a stable approach with minimal drawdown and profits that are enough to make it worthwhile - which from a retail point of view wipes out the vast majority of us. Look at @rrram2 account, $1,000 making a few dollars per day. Now I don’t know where he comes from but I need at least $500 per day in the UK (at current FX rates) to have any sort of worthwhile life.

Thank you :smile:

“sustantial bank roll” - or “tiny positions” ?

Drawdowns - Now that’s what I thought too but to @rrram2 “drawdowns” simply mean that his pending orders have been triggered and he is “In the game” - to me they mean “lost money” - so to me they are disasters if large - to him they seem to mean a lot of potentially profitable trades out there !

I don’t think you could trade this system on the DoW - but the unique nature of Forex is the very reason I came here from the DOW and seems to be important to his system too.

tiny positions if you are happy with a few bob in the bank

and yes, DD matters to me, DD is not potential, its a losing trade that you’ve held on to because you’re “hoping” it will come back. Ah well, good luck to the chap - and it it fails, well, at least he has his eggs to keep warm at night

Are you anywhere near these guys in terms of capital and risk tolerance?

Are you referring to the pray for pips trading strategy? I’ve heard good things about it, especially with the draw down that can occur, it can turn any man religious.

I think if you read the subsequent discussion, you might understand the burden of my post - rather than seeking to answer a question with an unrelated question.

I did read it and it was a load of BS - hence why asking.

Joined Nov 17 - welcome in :grinning:

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