Forex is an international trading platform with which we can invest money and can earn money a lot if we have enough knowledge and enough experiences. As it is a worldwide market my friend told me first.
I started forex trading three years ago and at that time my friend told me about forex and that forex market is totally dependent on the trader skills, if we have skills we can make profits daily. With the benefits I saw, I decided to join first as part time frame and now I am a full time long term trader.
I’m glad to hear that you have been able to turn your Forex pastime into a long term hobby - I guess it means you make money on a regular basis right? Unfortunately I am not there yet but hope with some effort and dedication I will be soon.
Actually no-one told me about Forex trading but I always knew that it was possible to make money from the ups and downs of the currency values. I thought it would be good to be able to buy and sell currencies on the Internet to make money so I did a search and was compelled when I found all this information about Forex trading. I’m still a little surprised that it is not more mainstream than it is - most of the people I speak to know nothing about it. At first I didnt understand about leverage and couldn’t get my head around how its possible to lose more than you invest… then I found out quickly after opening a demo account!
Actually nobody told me about it.I knew and hearing forex before but i just started to become interested when i found out that there are lots of people who are becoming interested on forex.
I knew a co-worker who spent several years as a commodities floor trader in Chicago. The guy was actually trying rebuild his client base as a broker at the time after being out of it for a few years. After having many discussions over trading psychology and market structure, he suggested that I would be good commodities trader… I had no interest in it at the time, but he had suggested I check out Forex because it trades like regular commodities and can be demoed. Been here ever since…
Right, a friend suggested this site babypips which is really helpful.Untill i come across with other forex forums and still find that lots of members will recommend babypips as well as other useful resources such as Hermes Academy and other stuff that will be found on the web.
My father-in-law owns a kitchen company & when he was visiting a client, the wife made a passing comment about the husband only working an hour or so a day. Later she made a similar comment & knowing that they had multiple properties despite only working few hours a day, curiosity got the better of my father-in-law & he asked what the husband did for a living - Forex trader was the answer.
He told me this story, we googled it, browsed for about 15mins & then forgot about it. Then about 6-months later, a forex ad randomly cropped up down the side of my Facebook. I ended up registered for eToro & in the chat section I got directed to BabyPips by a kind soul. I got my School of Pips diploma & I’ve been here for a good year & a bit. I learnt enough to bin of eToro shortly after my arrival at BabyPips so don’t knock me for that, it was just part of my journey.
I’m profitable with a small account & I am just slowly proving my ability to myself before I gradually increase the account balance to have a pretty solid investment (assuming my progress continues).
Thanks for sharing another resources to learn forex trading (Hermes Academy),your right i also found babypips from a lot of forums it is mostly recommended by traders for a place to start.
Well, a friend also has introduced me about forex.It’s funny though because iniatially,I thought it was quick-rick business to earn money via the internet only to find out that you need knowledge and skills to get yourself a shot of earning profits
No problem Tradingboy, the good thing about forex and trading is that you can do it everywhere as long as there’s an internet, you can trade using smartphones, laptops, etc. I hope that you can profit more from this. Live long and prosper!!!
Right it seems to be an easy quick rich business but its not,you needs patience in order to learn,since knowledge is relly essential in forex as well as skills.