Whos shorting usd/jpy?

Anyone? Like to see 101 pair has been making lower highs and lower lows.

It has been trading lower for the last few days. I was really surprised to see it at 101.60 a few days back, there was no economic event that made it go so low.

It wasn’t an economic event that caused the yen to rally. If you haven’t checked out the news yet, it was geopolitical events that included Israeli troops to Gaza and the Malaysian Airline tragedy in the Ukraine. Check out our article on it here if you want to catch up on it: 3 Geopolitical Risks Weighing on Market Sentiment | Forex Blog: Piponomics

was hoping for some gossip from the inside when i saw the thread’s title…

Yeah thats what i heard too. People are going to the yen as a safe haven because of russian american tensions.