Why are you trading with the broker that you are trading with!

we all know that there are lots and lots of brokers to trade with and we all have probably used at least 5 or more before we steak to the one or the few ones that we are currently using. My question is, what special feature, facility or what characteristic influenced you more and made u like this one more?

Many may not be aware of this but where you are domiciled has a lot to do with the broker you eventually end up working with. Take my case for example…because we have become inundated with scammers and the likes a lot of brokers wont accept applications from down here.

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As I live in Thailand, IC Markets accepts Thai Baht for ‘immediate’ USD exchange, which I deposit via
Thai Bank internet function. Hits my account in less than half hour. Withdrawals take a day to process, as is the quickest norm for most brokers…

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May i ask where you are from? i guess there are a lot of options for every country to choose from.

Cool, thanks for your reply, but honestly i have seen way faster process time in other brokers. like instant deposit, which really was instance, the moment i made the transaction (i used btc to fund my account) it didnt even take a minute to be delivered to my account. also for withdraws, i have worked with brokers that process in a few hours. if these are the elements that you value, there are way faster brokers

Jamaica. There are a lot of places that wont process transactions involving a Jamaican credit card.

I know a number of brokers that do allow trades from Jamaica, tell me what you want to be offered by ur broker and i will be able to introduce some, if you are interested.

One thing that I like about my brokerage is that they have promotions like bonuses and discounts on their deposits, and they also have good payouts for IB. I am happy to have worked with this broker.

I also think the other good thing is the ease of working with them, like my account and other things, and also 24/7 support in times of need.

I started using Interactive Brokers because I can trade a wider variety of instruments; FX, stocks, futures, options. It is a great way to diversify my trading.

I currently have a broker but when I was trying to find one it wasnt an easy task.

I am English, retired to Thailand. I use Wise to transfer Thai baht from my UK account.

thanks for your response. I wouldn’t expect many - if any - brokers would exchange Thai baht into USD very quickly, and vice versa…Which means I have to use a Thai bank to exchange into USD, and then forward that to the broker who would process into my account. Done that - didn’t like it.

IC Markets makes it a five minute EXCHANGE exercise to accept and confirm my Thai baht deposit and which is exchanged into dollars for my USD account. And vice versa out of my account and exchanged back to my Thai bank in bahts.

The wonders of internet banking, which is confirmation throughout.
