Why Did TheRumpledOne (TRO) Get Banned?

This all makes me sad and ambivalent.

I did start getting a bit irritated after the “random” horizontal line experiment. The pivot points and S/R lessons where very beneficial to me, but to plot random horizontal lines and enter trades off them…

So you guys are thinking that he’s is promoting frequent trades just because he’s an IB? I really have done better after following his thread. I never used any of his indicators, just the basic S/R theories.

Oh MAN you’re gonna love this!!!

Here is an email I just received from ‘TheRumpledOne’:

[I]Hey Dale:

It’s pretty CHICKEN **** of you to start taking shots at me when you know I can’t respond on babypips.

Not to mention Lying about not knowing me.

Did you forget I programmed indicators for you?

What’s your problem?

Do you have a beef with me?

Come over to [/I][I]www.kreslik.com[/I][I] and post there where I can defend myself.

  • Avery aka TheRumpledOne (TRO)

See, I saved all of the emails between us so I can expose your lie about not knowing me.

On 5/15/08, Dale Brenton Paterson <[I][email protected][/I]> wrote:Good Morning (well it’s morning here anyway)!!!

You ‘read my mind’ i.e. I was just about to leave a post for you on the forum!!!

Thanks for ‘getting in touch’!!!

What I wanted to ask you was:

I’ve just had another look at some of your posts. Are your indicators coded using ‘stock standard’ MT4 scripting??? The reason I ask is that again: the stuff you’re ‘churning out’ REALLY is impressive i.e. most ‘custom indicators’ that I’ve seen other people code and made available are ‘rudimentary’ at best but your indicators ‘rock’ for want of a better description!!! Very impressive.

I also wanted to ask you something (which I did not want to put of the forums): why is it that all of those forums have ‘banned’ you??? I mean I’m just curious because it appears that you (like me I would say) are just trying to help people make money and there CERTAINLY is no harm in that I’ll tell you!!!

Stay in touch.


48 Donegal Road

Telephone +27 11 664 8263
Facsimile +27 86 624 0025

Web [I]http://www.forexbrokersonline.net/[/I]

-----Original Message-----
From: TheRumpledOneGmail [mailto:
[I][email protected][/I]]
Sent: 16 May 2008 01:34
[I][email protected][/I]
[I]Subject: HI

I figured email is better for discussing indicators/systems.

What would you like coded?
- Avery

Avery T. Horton, Jr. aka TheRumpledOne

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And here is my reply:

[I]Oh man!!![/I]

[I]You take the cake!!![/I]

[I]You programmed ONE indicator and it was NOT requested by me. At the time I merely asked how and what you were using to code your indicators and, to be honest, your work looks good. No question about that. I showed you a chart and you took it upon yourself to try to program the indicator for MT4 which neither I nor my clients use. Then you kept offering to program some more indicators and NOW I know why!!! In case YOU forgot: I never took you up on your offer nor did I keep in touch with you because in my mind, at the time, I started feeling that ‘something was amiss’, and MAN OH MAN was my intuition right!!!.[/I]

[I]Here’s a little ‘tidbit’ of information for you: after you started posting I contacted the Administrators BACK THEN already and asked them to please allow me to edit your messages so that I could remove the charts. They would not allow this AND I might tell you: at THAT time they also informed me that they did not see any problem with what you were doing or saying. So AGAIN I say: NOBODY gets banned from a site because their charts are too big or because they’re too helpful!!![/I]

[I]I DID say on the thread that I don’t know you. I’ve ‘chatted’ to you once or twice using Yahoo Messenger and that’s about it. (Oh: and JUST IN CASE it ‘sends you over the edge’ I had BETTER mention that yes: we probably sent about five email messages to each other BEFORE these two). If that constitutes ‘knowing you’ then I guess I ‘know you’ then!!![/I]

[I]Oh: and don’t bother about posting the emails. I’ll do that RIGHT after sending you this message. (Actually: you’re missing one or two i.e. the ones where I was discussing my hangover and where you were telling me about all the clients that you’d manage to generate for IBFX / MBT). But hey: if you’d like me to post those as well then please do let me know (I CERTAINLY don’t want to get banned from the site for posting ‘inane drivel’)!!![/I]

[I]Keep in touch.[/I]

[I]Oh and BY the way: why can you not ‘defend’ yourself on babypips??? You’ve ALREADY created a few new users: why not just log in as one of THEM (or have the Administrators managed to ban your IP address)???[/I]

[I]48 Donegal Road[/I]

[I]Telephone +27 11 664 8263[/I]
[I]Mobile +27 76 971 3206[/I]
[I]Facsimile +27 86 624 0025[/I]

[I]Web [/I][I]http://www.forexbrokersonline.net/[/I]


MAN do YOU have issues!!!

WHY you are getting so upset I cannot fathom. The fact of the matter is that YOU have managed to upset MANY people (oddly enough not me until now) and THAT is why you’re no longer welcome here (nor on the other sites that you’ve been banned from). Now I’m SURPRISED that someone as intelligent as you has not been able to just sit back and ask ‘WHY’ and then come up with the answer???

Now ALL you’ve managed to do is throw out what little credibility you MAY have had left over here by sending me the message that you did.

I say again TO YOU DIRECTLY this time: START YOUR OWN FORUM!!! All those that you’ve manged to ‘con’ into opening accounts at your broker will follow I’m sure!!!

This gets better ALL the time!!!

I could not help myself but ‘mosey on over’ to kreslik.com.

Can you belive that there is even a post ‘in celebration’ of the fact the ‘tymen1’ has been banned from THIS site!! This I did not even know!!!

Now it’s not for me to say BUT in the case of ‘tymen1’ and the ‘issue’ as to ‘who threw the first punch’, in light of the email that I just received, I’d say that ‘tymen1’ is pretty much ‘in the clear’ wouldn’t you say??? I vote for ‘tymen1’ to be re-instated as a a member here (but it’s not my call though so only a suggestion).

I STILL cannot fathom why this guy honestly believes that he is banned from sites like this because he is ‘taking money out of other people pockets’??? Am I INDEED missing something here???

Anyway (to the ‘new’ traders): please believe me when I say that there is nothing like ‘never losing’ in this business UNLESS you’re an IB with LOADS of clients (I’m an IB for both my brokers too but I don’t have LOADS of clients and I don’t encourage my clients to trade every five mintues so, for better or for worse, I have to make my living from trading).

Somebody posted earlier that they should be able to trade the way they want and that it’s really their problem if they lose. (Well that was pretty much ‘tone’ of the post). Let me tell you this: you should be GLAD that people like the Administrators of this site and others who have been around for a while try to alert you to ‘sheisters’ in this business and also believe me when I say that the ‘sheisters’ in this busines are NOT the brokers or the advertisers. One has just been banned from this site!!!

For new traders: Don’t listen to the posts that talk negatively about TRO without seeing both sides for yourself. Read the posts he has made and decide for yourself. There are those that have looked past the politics and found genuine guidance in their trading. And for the record, I read all of it, and while TRO may scalp at times, he also trades longer-term, and I’ve never seen him say that scalping is the only method you should use. He says make up your own mind. I probably won’t post much here, cause it’s just getting to be a pissing contest and immature.


Well you can see it as a “celebration” of the ban…I call it amusing…that why it’s ended with “Too Funny”…this whole drama is rather amusing…better than a soap opera complete with supposed death threats and all…even you stated all this was keeping you from getting bored…too funny. :D:D

I agree with that
I have learned Tro’s way of trading and i’m making big runs to. Some people think we are trading every 5 minutes and try to make us all look hopeless.
I feel that is a personal attack and it is against the rules. Stop thinking and saying such things. We are not a sect. Some people have learned Tro’s way of seeing at the market, some people don’t see it. Some people use it togheter with other things. Does it matter??

We should better stop discussing about his method. We should better stop this all it has been long enough. Things are done let it so. There is no way back. Leave it all, return to your topics and let it rest. It has been long enough. Lets trade again.

Hey ‘Sweet Pip’,

I have to say thank you!!! I’ve had a pretty dismal week thanks to some bad trading decisions on stocks and was feeling pretty ‘down’ until I read your last post!!!

I’m still chuckling!!!

But, you know what: I agree with ‘dragon33’. Let’s all just ‘get on with it’ and make some money!!! I’ll follow that advice myself (unless of course I get some more emails from ‘you know who’ in which case I’ll feel ‘morally obliged’ to post copies of them here)!!!

Hey ‘Sweet Pip’,

I have to say thank you!!! I’ve had a pretty dismal week thanks to some bad trading decisions on stocks and was feeling pretty ‘down’ until I read your last post!!!

I’m still chuckling!!!

But, you know what: I agree with ‘dragon33’. Let’s all just ‘get on with it’ and make some money!!! I’ll follow that advice myself (unless of course I get some more emails from ‘you know who’ in which case I’ll feel ‘morally obliged’ to post copies of them here, you know, to keep the ‘saga’ going for fun, well, at least until this thread gets closed)!!!

Is this a great site or what??? Even ENTERTAINMENT is provided FOR FREE!!!

It IS time to get back to trading. I like both TRO and Tymen and their teachings and it sucks to see either of them go. But with the admins banning Tymen as well, it brings some credibility back to babypips and to the intelligence, rationality and respectability of the admins here at babypips. Moderating a forum may seem easy, but I think the mods here have learned a big lesson about managing a message board and that its not that easy.

So somehow you can feel a moral obligation to set the record straight, but TRO cannot? Do you not see how hypocritical that is? He did the same thing and was banned because he felt a moral obligation to defend trashing of his name. So he’s a bad guy. Now you come on here, waste multiple posts trying to prove something too. But you can do it and he cannot. Hypocritical? Yah! Frankly I don’t give a rat’s a** what he said to you in a PRIVATE message. Go hang your dirty laundry out somewhere else.


Watch it disbellj. Please no harsh attitudes anymore.:smiley:

You peeps still on this matter. TRO is quite comfortable im sure. He’s use to being banned. Just another day for him.


Surely ‘you jest’ ‘disbellj’!!!

The words ‘moral obligation’ were meant to be a joke (for ‘Sweet Pip’).

And BY they way: if you read the copies of the emails that I posted it was not I who ‘threatened’ to post copies of the emails but ‘your friend’ who, for some or the other reason, felt they were worth posting so I saved him the trouble!!!

MAN: if you get like this about stuff like this I’d HATE to be around when a trade went against you!!! (That was also a joke by the way)!!!

As I said: I’ve not had a particularly good week and nothing is really going to happen with the markets now until the close so PLEASE keep the posts coming!!! I’ll tell you THIS much: EVEN ALL this stuff is not using up a FRACTION of the space on the server as those charts!!!

He got banned for a lot more than that.

You peeps still on this matter. TRO is quite comfortable im sure. He’s use to being banned. Just another day for him.

He’s probably also glad to know that his presence is still being felt here. AKA this thread.

Hey ‘VulcanClassic’,

You’re probably right: he’s enjoying this IMMENSELY (but then again so am I NOW)!!!

Uh ‘disbellj’ (Don): I’m just a bit curious. You’ve been a member here since January this year but the only posts you’ve ever made have been on the ‘Never Lose Again!!!’ thread (started in August this year) and, OF COURSE, on this one. So now let me get this straight: you joined in January and you just sat about waiting for ‘your friend’ to ‘mosey on over’???

I repead myself.

Please stop this!!!

This is hilarius. X said this. Y answer that and so on. Read this thread again and watch. If it keep going on. It won’t stop.

dpaterso stop posting things it works like gasoline on fire. Disbellj you have to stop also. We all must stop. There will be always pro’s and contra’s it is human nature. This is how wars get started. Do we want that???
Another war, i think not. Stick that in your mind.

If the method of Tro works in this thread keep the thread alive and stick to it.
If you don’t like it stay away. It is that simple.
If you need contact go to Kreslik it is his homebase.

I am sadly dissapointed in everyone. We have more things to worry about than “big charts and bad attitude” here. This is about one thing, Money. dpaterso, I respect you very much, but the amount you have posted in this thread seems to me you are reveling in the demise of TRO. Let it go and move on, you got money to make.

If babypips does not want him here that is their decision. I may not agree with it, but I am used to alot more destructive people than TRO in my time on the net, and they do not get banned.

As for the rest of us, there is not enough facts available to us to make a judgement one way or another. Most of the replies in this thread are conjecture or opinion, neither of which, is a reliable source of information. I have used TRO’s strategys, and for me the work. As a matter of fact I was talking to TRO in REAL TIME chat while some of these posts which are claimed to be him, were made. Unless he typed one or two words then came back to talk to me, then it was someone else defending him.

Now I suggest the admins close this thread, or better yet, delete the damn thing. Hate only breeds more hate, nothing good is going to come from this thread being open. All people are going to do is show their asses, and that is something I for one, do not want to see.

Now on with the money making!!