Why Did TheRumpledOne (TRO) Get Banned?

this post has just rung alarm bells for me. “As far as who threw the first punch, I still have yet to obtain proof that TRO didn’t attack first.”. And “Even [B][U]if[/U][/B] he didn’t throw the first punch”…

In both of those statements you are in effect saying you dont have proof that he DID attack first. So guilty until proven innocent? have you banned someone without concrete evidence simply because someone went running to the mods like a schoolboy saying ‘miss miss he threatened me’ ? because thats what its looking like.

1: its a forum, its based on a database, every post is timestamped. if you need to see who it was first, simply look back through the posts by each and see who it was

2: the private messages between the two must also be stored somewhere on babypips servers, again you can look though these. now if what was said is infact something along the lines of “If you don’t stop then the gloves will come off” then you either havent investigated it properly in the first place or havent investigated it at all, because i would agree someone would need to be slightly insane to see that as some kind of threat, infact if someone said that to me it would be a combination of laughing in his face and ‘ok bring it on’. More so, if that is what was said and if it was in response to personal attacks then i dont think there can be any problem with it at all. either way unless it sounded like a genuine serious threat of some kind (which the above statement does not in any way) then i dont see a problem.

TRO clearly cant get into his account to post a screenshot of that message or messages, but tymen can so if tymen wants to prove a point then feel free to take a screenshot of the supposed threat for all to see and make their own minds up, no bull**** about FBI who im quite sure have better things to do than sort out petty squabbles between a trader in america and a trader in australia.

Listen people, i think everyone needs to take a step back here.

This is without a doubt the best and most honest FOREX site there is out there.

This is the reason we are all here is it not???

Now, that said, the only reason that this site has lasted this long with such integrity is because the moderators are good.

Let me say that again…the only reason this site is CONSISTANTLY good, is because it has decent moderators.

Now i don’t know the in’s & out’s of what happened …and frankly i don’t care. I think what the moderators have done has been for the benifit of the many not the few.

If a certain person has been banned…for the good of the MAJORITY of the people in here, then listen…we should be thanking these guys not criticising them.

It is THEY who commit their own time to this site, it is THEY who keep this site fresh and informative, it is THEY who have an entire ‘school’ dedicated to teach even the most experienced of traders something new.

What i am trying to say is…give these guys a bit of credit ok…you trust them with your hard earned money…trust their decisions too.



Sorry folks BUT I have to come out in support of the Administrators here (especially seeing that I, for one, had issues with the ridiculously large charts and graphics being posted).

Now while you’re all ‘climbing in’ to the Administrators think about this:

NOBODY gets banned from ANY website for promoting good and sound ideas and for being helpful to others. It’s just not going to happen. So why should the Administrators of THIS site be ‘burdened’ with someone who has already been banned from just about every other trading related website for some or the other reason?

Also: I’ve taken a look at the ‘Never Lose Again!!’ thread from time to time and I’d be REAL interested to know how many people actually made money there. I see a lot of talk about 10 pips here and 8 pips there. Is that MONEY??? To be honest: the TITLE is what ‘got me’. I personally believe it’s misleading to say the least and can ONLY result in absolute disaster for the new trader.

Furthermore (and following on from the above): I’ll wager that just about every post claiming that money has been made, where the person has obviously only registered this month or so, and has only one or two posts, is ACTUALLY the SAME person (guess who). Why do I say this??? I’m sure you can see from some of the last posts here that ‘MerlinX’ is indeed ‘TheRumpledOne’. No question right? Well take a look at THIS thread:


Pay particular attention to the graphic posted with the very first post (the subject of the thread is not important here). What’s REAL interesting about this is that this post was posted before there was ANY talk of ‘TheRumpledOne’ being banned so WHY would HE create a NEW user and post that post???

I’m not sure WHAT ‘the angle’ is here (but suffice to day I’ve always felt that there is an ‘angle’ and it’s just well ‘hidden’) but I’d be REAL careful when reading posts from people claiming that they’ve made HUGE gains using ‘TheRumpledOne’s’ trading systems. You NEVER KNOW who actually posted those results now do you!!!

I’m not sure what the ‘issue’ was with ‘tymen1’ was BUT I CAN say this: I’ve had dealings with Tymen and I can assure you that he’s nothing other than a gentleman who KNOWS what he’s talking about.

Sorry to ‘TheRumpledOne’. I don’t know you. We’ve had one or two conversations on Yahoo Messenger but that’s it. If you are INDEED genuine and as good as you say you are then why not try another approach to things?? Either that or, you are a ‘computer guy’: why not set up a board like this of your own??? That way you don’t have to concern yourself with people like me or the Administrators of these sites and I’m 100% sure that if your stuff is as good as you say it is: it won’t take long for you to have your very OWN following without these hassles.

And lastly: let’s not forget about the time and the effort and the COST that the Administrators of this site put in to keeping this INVALUABLE site up and running AT NO CHARGE. I believe it is their right to ban ‘TheRumpledOne’, me, or ANYONE else that they feel is causing issues on the site. I do NOT believe that they would just ban a user solely because an uploaded chart was too big (and the same goes for the other sites from which he has been banned)!!! You’re ‘climbing in’ to the Administrators of this site, who have provided YOU the site a NO CHARGE, to defend someone that you’ve not had dealings with for more than a month or two???

“NOBODY gets banned from ANY website for promoting good and sound ideas and for being helpful to others.”

they do get banned when someone falsely accuses someone else of threats. he may have, he may not have, im not a baby and dont need protecting like one, so until I see some proof either way of ANY of this so i can make up my own mind…

“I’ve taken a look at the ‘Never Lose Again!!’ thread from time to time and I’d be REAL interested to know how many people actually made money there. I see a lot of talk about 10 pips here and 8 pips there. Is that MONEY???”

ive made over 250 pips since friday, trading part time for the odd hour after work and more than doubled my $250 practice account to $535 at time of writing. more than doubling an account (of ANY size) in less than a week? id call that money, and im not the most successful one.

Man we’re in the 5th page of this already! :smiley: To all those who say they’ll never post here again. Ok a guy got banned, why the knee jerk reaction to leave? You seem to have alternative ways to contact him. You gotta think about number one :slight_smile: babypips still has many members who make valued contributions. Why turn away from that. Remember what made you sign up in the first place, to become a better trader. Hopefully you’ll realise its a goal bigger than just one personality. Theres a wealth of information tucked away in many different threads by different members. Best resource for new traders on the web. Worth walking away from because of this? I think not, but hey thats just my opinion.

You have to admit, his posts did look kinda spammy :D:D

I’m one of these new members, and I’ve had both winning and losing trades with TRO’s methods. I’m below opening balance on my demo account, but that’s probably more to do with me trying a few things out than anything else.

Anyway I personally feel a bit short changed TRO is acting this way, it has totally ruined his reputation in my books. I’ve seen this sort of behaviour on other forums, with the banned user (not TRO, other unrelated people) posting under different aliases to thank themselves etc. and it’s just plain sad. It makes you wonder why TRO needs donations and IB signups if his methods work so well in the first place. If he’s trading as well as he says he is, he certainly doesn’t need a few bucks here and there to supplement his income. Like, if he really wants to help people just help them without all the other crap.

The only reason I trust this site is because I can actually see PipSurfer’s track record and see that he’s applied the principles and is making money. It seemed like TRO was the same, but he probably only posted the charts of winning trades, keeping his losing trades under the carpet.

Maybe I’ll look back on these times in a few weeks and laugh that I got taken in so easily with TRO’s charts and soapbox ramblings. Seemed like something worth giving a shot at the time. And it has taught me alot about price movement anyway.


When has TRO made a new username to thank himself? Show me. See, your just pulling crap out of thin air now, that has NOTHING to do with TRO.

I thanked him by my posts. Do you think I’m him because I thanked him? Just because I’m a Newbie here don’t mean squat. There’s high-profile people (Senior Members, Honorary members) here that don’t know as much as I do when it comes to money management. I can tell that by the way some laugh at these small number of pips without even considering that more money can be made with less pips than by getting more pips. How many lots are you trading?

This is not the only forum in Forex. If you can’t tell the difference between TRO and me (and TRO and others who have defended him), then oh well. I just had to come to his defense since I feel he was done wrong. This is just ridiculous.

I for one DID come here because of TRO and the NEVER LOSE AGAIN thread, and for no other reason. I wouldn’t have signed up here if it wasn’t for him. When it comes to babypips, I can take it or leave it. My most profitable strategy has come from TRO.

I frankly know that he can be irritating. I can too. I’ve seen others on here that can be too. I got upset that he kept asking “DO YOU SEE” and I wasn’t getting it. I get it now. So was it worth the contention at times? Yes, I learned.

I’ve had teachers in school (years ago when I was still in school) treat me worse than TRO. He may not be the most elaborate and explanatory in his remarks, but he’s helped me, and if you think I’m him just because he helped me and I say so, then believe what you want to believe. You’re going to anyways. I honestly understand more and more why TRO is the way he is. You try to help people, then your threads get thrown off-track because of crap like this. And you know what? Just as he says, people are only doing it because he’s giving information you don’t get anywhere else without paying a lot of money. Some of us have had enough confusion from being told a lot of different things and trying a lot of different things. I for one am loving the simplicity.


Excellent points, dpateroso. Bottom line, you don’t get banned from every forex website for being helpful & putting forth a sound trading methodology.
Something’s a bit fishy with all these realtively new posters aggressively defending the one who was banned.
Apparently there is a message board at kreslik that they all know about. All followers of TRO can follow him there, and peace. :wink:

Wow, hold your horses mate. I never said everyone that has thanked him is TRO. I’ve thanked him for gods sake! I’m refering to dpaterso’s post where TRO has used an alias before to post. I also noticed ijy (another alias TRO has used to post in this thread which is now banned) posted in the Never Lose Again thread as if he was someone else saying not to ban TRO etc.


Then he continued to use this alias in this thread here posting as himself. Just weird behaviour which is completely unnecessary and in my mind makes me question his reputation. It also makes you wonder whether more of the new users supporting him are in fact him as well.

Just my opinion, I’m not trying to offend anyone, definitely not you dibellj who’ve posts I’ve learned from as well.

I don’t find it weird behaviour at all…if you feel you got banned unfairly and then everyone starting posting absurdly subjective comments about you such as the likes we’ve seen, then maybe you’d empathize with that, and do the same thing, or maybe not, but it’s human nature and rather normal.

If he continues, it will be evident and he’ll continue to get banned…eventually it will subside and become less frequent…but those who have won, can’t seem to be a good sport about it and leave it alone themselves.

Hi all,
Babypips.com is in a business of providing a platform for new traders to exchange idea and strategies. It is funded as, any other site elsewhere on internet by sponsors and advertisements. In this case sponsors and advertisers are forex brokers. If I am a broker advertising on a popular website and suddenly a blogger starts posting free indicators, starts promoting ECN and exposing my money making ways, i will definitely be upset. I will either withdraw my financial support to the website or talk to the moderators to do something about the ‘nuisance’. And if I am running the website I will definitely listen to my sponsors and do whatever neccessary to retain them.

In my opinion TRO posted great free indicators, provided a fresh prespective to trading, charts and price movements. And to top it all he taught us to SEE.
Like any other strategies his has pro and cons, and if he posted big charts so what, better a big chart then tinee weene charts.

I think the whole controversy is nothing about who said what to whom but rather about a blogger coming in the way of a business. So babypips did what it needed to do to protect it’s business and TRO did what he was passionate about. Keep up the goodwork babypips and TRO I am sure we will find and follow your passion on another website.

Life goes on!


I don’t believe TRO signed up as other users to thank himself. Not at all. Ya, he signed up as a couple of new users at the end to throw some shots back on the argument, but no false promotion. I followed that thread from the get go and I thought it was very worth while. I learned some good stuff from TRO. I gained a better understanding of some fundamentals; I learned a few rules and techniques that actually work consistently, that you can see happen quite frequently. I’ve done better since TRO’s thread, without a doubt.

I also believe the obnoxious fonts and large charts are very good teaching tools. Look how pumped up everyone became in that thread. Granted those are similar techniques applied to marketing, but they achieve the same thing no matter what they are used for. They generate excitement!

TRO’s got skills and knows some stuff about the market. Maybe as an all inclusive “system” it wasn’t the best, but good ideas and tips to help a trader build his own system. Sure it’s just a few pips here and there, but in between the big ones, it gives you something to do AND your making pips. I trade things from TRO’s technique, but I also watch for candlestick patterns on the BB extremes; I watch for IB’s when stochs are hooking, and I have all kinds of MA lines crossing back and forth. TRO’s “price action” is just another tool and I find his fundamental approach useful in my learning and trading.

I can’t ignore that he seems to carry a reputation with him, and it’s a shame really. He has much to share and could have added to the goodness which is babypips. I think he would do well if he started his own site. I know I would hang out.

Wow things have certainly fired up while I was gone. Too bad it wasn’t talk about the Eur/Usd activity lately. I probably shouldn’t even respond to this thread but I read all of it and didn’t see my point brought up so here it goes anyways. Tro has been a help to some people here, I have seen many other forums on the net where he was a help also, however that being said. He has been banned from many forums for similar reasons expressed here. Bp staff wasn’t asking him not to “help” people to make money, or “help” them to learn. Bp was merely asking him to treat all people on the site with respect. He has been around enough forums and broken enough rules to realize by now how things should be done. I haven’t read the whole “fight” I don’t care who started it in my opinion any participators in it were way out of line. This sort of thing should have been left in grade school where it is popular. I have seen many trolls/spammers on many, many forums. If you consider a persons actions to be of that nature then you don’t spread fuel on the fire. There has to be a way for everyone to get along and stay on topic so that this is a learning environment for everyone. I don’t mind a healthy debate, I have been known to get in them quite often. This is how we learn. With that being said there is a right way and wrong way to do it. You would think with the number of bans under someones belt they would have gotten that message by now. I would much rather see a debate about market conditions, and the governments ability to do something or nothing about it than see a bunch of opinion about who’s thread is the best and most profitable. Just my two sense, Raven

This is getting good!!!

Firstly: I’ll ‘wager’ that everyone that is saying that ‘TheRumpledOne’ did NOT create other usernames and then promote himself are the same people who just go to the very last page of a thread, without bothering to read the ENTIRE thread before posting, and then expect the thread starter to repeat everything that’s ALREADY been covered numerous times on the thread. READ THIS THREAD AND READ MY POST before just ‘jumping in’ and commenting!!!

Another thing that I do find very ‘odd’ is the fact that MOST (note I said MOST) people who have come out in his defence here APPEAR to be ‘new’ traders (or at very least people who have not posted too much and don’t have a history on this site) which tells me that EITHER his great ‘selling job’ has ‘paid off’ and managed to attract the ‘unwary’ and give them ‘false hope’ OR, again, these are users that have been created by him (or, who knows, maybe some ‘friends’ of his).

Be that as it may though: enough is enough.

What I DO find interesting though is what appears to be a lack of understanding as to ‘how the market works’ which has become apparent from the reasons given as to WHY TRO has been banned from other sites. He was banned from other sites because he was giving away FANTASTICALLY profitable indicators and systems and taking money away from the brokers. BALONEY!!! A broker could not not give a darn HOW much money you make or lose so if you think that’s a valid reason that sponsors of a site, who MAY be (mainly) brokers, would pressure the Administrators of a site to ban someone, then you’re very much under the wrong impression of how this all works I assure you. As a matter of fact: the brokers WELCOME someone who posts threads like ‘Never Lose Again!!!’ because THAT is going to attract FAR more new traders to ‘the business’ in search of a ‘quick buck’, which will in turn result in FAR more new accounts being opened, and the more accounts that are opened, and therefore the more TRADES that are made, the more the brokers will make on commission / spread WHICH IS THEIR DUE (let’s not get onto that subject i.e. ALREADY COVERED IN OTHER THREADS)!!! Whether you lose or not the brokers could not care less. If you’re losing money believe me: it’s not the broker that’s at fault!!!

Now again: I don’t know the guy at all. I’ve looked at his website, I’ve listened to his radio interview, and, for all I know, maybe his stuff works. The fact of the matter is that he’s managed to ‘pis’ MORE than one site Administrator off for what EVER reason. He definitely has the knowledge and resources to create his very own site like this. No hassles, no administrators, no sponsors or advertisers (hmmm…) to tell him what to do, so WHY NOT!!! If it were me: my reaction would have ALREADY been: 'Scrw them all. I’ll show them. I’ll start my OWN site’!!! This he has not done so you HAVE to ask yourself the proverbial ‘WHY’!!!

Obviousely you didn’t read enough. I am making big money and i have learned it from Tro. I have tried several buyed methods and they don’t work!!!
I have lost a lot of money before and now i have made more then 100% of my account. Ok you are right 8 pips here and 10 pips there but if you know how it works you can do that several times in an HOUR and best of all the small pips are against the trade! Can you trade down while trend is going up, i guess you don’t. Can you trade every single hour??? I can and i know you don’t!!! Read my posts they are with proof (screenshots of the platform)

You said i don’t know you (just spoke two times over Yahoo messenger…) why do you still give an opinion if you don’t know him???
I don’t tell people things about you because i don’t know you. Could i do that? Of course not! Do YOU know why??? Because i don’t know YOU. Get it. Keep your mouth shut and speak when you know the facts.
So i said my thing don’t be insulted this is just my way of thinking. I have nothing against you ok.
Friendly greetings:)

That’s right i haven’t post not much. You know why because this forum isn’t interesting for me. They are all about topics that i’ve allready studied and it didn’t work for me. On forums and the net there is a lot to tel but how many people show there results??? Do you. Maybe you’re just a loser like the other 95% in forex. That’s a golden number 95% that means that a lot of people are losing on this forum. II was one of them to but not anymore?


Actually I DO go OUT OF MY WAY to post BOTH profits AND LOSSES!!! It’s ALWAYS amazed me how PROFIT is always mentioned and posted but never losses!!!

Anyway: I’m REAL pleased you’re doing so well with ‘TheRumpledOne’s’ trading systems and indicators. Good for you. But you’re missing the point somewhat I’m sorry to say. He did NOT get banned from all these sites because his trading systems are so good and his indicators are so fantastic I assure you!!! And, as someone else has said: seeing that you’re such ‘close friends’ I’m SURE you are able to contact him privately and, in so doing, you can continue your successful trading with him on a ‘one on one’ basis!!! That’s better isn’t it??? You know: ‘the personal touch’!!!

And yes: apparantely you DO know how I trade. Hey: different styles. If you’re happy to ‘lay out’ $10 000 to make $100 in a few minutes then good for you. I make this assumption because if you have ANY sort of money management rules in place you’d have to trade PROFITABLY every minute of every day JUST to make a reasonable living. Either that or you’d have to have those ‘odds’. I’ve been there, tried that, and it does not work for me. If it’s working for you: I’m happy but with those ‘odds’ you don’t need TOO many trades to go against you before your account is ‘history’!!!

ACTUALLY: as I typed the above ‘the penny has JUST dropped’!!! An Introducing Broker who ENCOURAGES MANY intraday trades with big lots!!! DO THE MATH!!!

Here’s a thought: I’m SURE ‘TheRumpledOne’ will be allowed (or find a way) to leave one more post in which he can give out his email address. That should solve the problem don’t you think???

Actually: I should be THANKING him to be honest. BECAUSE I don’t have to ‘sit on edge’ every minute of every day to make a few pips I tend to get bored and this is giving me something to do for the moment!!! Come think about it: you’d better get back to your trading platform before EUR/USD moves a pip. Your defense of someone that YOU do not know EITHER MAY JUST be costing you money as you read this!!!

hie all,

i think there are two different debates happening at the same time.

  1. tro as an individual,his manners etc…

that seems to have been dealt with by the admins, not much we can do about it. even if i personally find it a sad new, thats how it is.

  1. TRO trading method.

to each his own.
many metods on the market.
some good some bad.

but i would like to be free to experiment without feeling the disdain of some users of this forum.

you dont like TRO methods, FINE, just dont do it. TRO says himself, do wht is profitable for you. but dont tell me that i shouldnt even try it because you thing its not worth it.

to each his own…

one should be able to choose a method without having to justify oneself…

so what this big discussion all about???

TRO himself or his method



You have a way of getting to the point, I like that. Often in your writings you hit the nail on the head and frequently find myself agreeing with you.

Re Rumple; One just has to consider “Why is he surrounded by so much controversy?” I think he has a victim mentality that attracts that kind of trouble, and manifests itsself in his behaviour. “They ban me because . . . yada yada yada” not “Maybe it’s me?”

When I read “He taught us to SEE” I just think of the stepford wives. Kind of funny really. He accused Tymen of being a cult leader (in a PM to me and on a post or two I believe). What’s the saying? “When you point a finger, three more are pointed back at you.”

I’m not saying he’s a cult leader, it’s just amusing.

You should buy glasses or even open a paypal account for people in here to donate to you.

The guy don’t know how to live in a community. Is that hard to see ?

The guy only know about his pocket and the best he has found to do is to promote a broker and make you do so many trades that you would never ever try to think.

The guy use all the marketing tools ever. Have a look to internet and how they ALL promote their ‘unique’ method. They ALL try to keep your attention. Stay with me, open your eyes, now i’m gonna count down and you’re going to sleep, but still do trades… ho ho …you want to wake up ? A load a indicators + pics for you to read, get back to sleep…

COME ON, WAKE UP ! A spammer is a spammer and use all spammers methods. TRO is a master spammer ! There is nothing in it. It’s empty.

“Close your eyes and click either on buy or sell and wait for 1mn and do the same … What’s a good method ! Can’t you see it working ? Now explain please … What ? you can’t ? you mean i have to explain myself what you just told me ?” HAHAHAH What a teacher …hahahaha YEAH. These are the same technics used by the sect.

Who has ever donate to babypips ? I’m asking to those who were there for a long time, i’m asking to those that suddenly answer, i’m asking to those who read everything but with no interest (hahaha, yeah, sure , we"re so stupid to beleive that), i’m asking to those winner. WHO DID ?