Why difference in pips between two brokers at the same time?

Hi all,

Can someone pls tell me why there is difference in pips (15 pips) eurusd between two brokers at the same time ? Is this due to there is time difference in their MT4 ?

First question is whether you’re for sure looking at pips and not pippettes.

Sounds like he’s looking at fractionals, which would make it a 1.5-pip difference, not a 15-pip one.

Tom, this is probably due to the two brokers you’ve compared using different liquidity providers (LPs).


Here is details:----- EUR/USD Broker A: 1.27380 whereas Broker B: 1.27365 and these both are in real account same leverage micro account same time. Is it due to difference of time frame as there is 2 hrs different in both MT4 ?


Rhodyrader guessed right. You are talking about pippettes, which are a 10th of a pip. A pip is 0,0001. So the price difference is A: 1,2738 vs B: 1,2736. This can happen between brokers and should not directly alarm you. I even have it between different servers at the same broker. If you are concerned and it triggers trades often, you may want to look in it in more depth. If it is just an first observation, keep an eye on it and know that it is not uncommon.

I see thanks IdeFX

May be the difference between liquidity providers of brokers?