Why do you think Elon Musk recently is curious about cryptos?

Elon Musk is interesting personality and do not do things just so they would be done. Recently I have seen a lot of article about Musk being interested in cryptos, but he has not given any explanation why? Maybe you know why? Any theories? :smiley:

Burned through the cash from selling “flamethrowers” and needs more

Hi CryptoAnnie :slight_smile: I think that he sees it as the future (like many others). He shared that he hasn’t seen any innovations in the finance industry since 10-15 years so according to him this could be a further step in that direction. Besides, he has a similar experience as one of the PayPal’s founders so I am sure he’s quite curious about the crypto currencies, probably he plans on incorporating some blockchain technology into his business. I’ve read some conspiracy theories that he might be one of the Bitcoin creators although I seriously doubt that but who knows…

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Or maybe he accidentally burned up all his cash playing with one of his flamethrowers.

I think he’s planning way ahead.

He and his expat earthlings are going to need some sort of “money” when they get to Mars
You know, for buying Soylent Green (or whatever they eat up there), or for poker night in their pressurized hut. And lugging paper money up to Mars is out of the question, what with the cost of rocket fuel these days.

Anyway, just a thought.

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At the end of the night…Elon will just clear his "Mars Bar" tab with leftover PayPal royalties…

Pun intended