Why forex would be hard?

Hi guys and gals,

I have been thinking. Why most of traders will fail? Yes, over trading, risk management, no commitmenr to trading system etc etc. We all are familiar with these, I hope at least.

Why following set up wouldn’t work?

  1. We take proven trading system that gives you 7 - 8 from 10 winning trades. If we don’t trust to our selves, we use forex signal service (learn2trade, pipcrawler etc). Many of them have a good proven history and are available for free if one uses recommended broker.

  2. we fund our account properly, at least 10.000 usd/eur

  3. we only take recommended trades

  4. we use small leverage (1:30) and risk maximum 2 % of the account

  5. Weekly trades vary between 10-25 (no over trading)

  6. We use only reliable brokers.

  7. Risk reward ratio at least 1:1,5

So, tell me. Where can we fail?

Because in reality each trade is unique.

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Human emotions maybe? And your system… you said it guarantees winners? I’ll take some of that!

Do you have all of this already?

Well, trading system is really not the problem. Google will help you find several good strategies, telegram seems today be the “thing” -or is it?

Many provide free telegram channels and by small monthly fee (or using recomended brokes) vip group. By googling one can easily check backgrounds for these kind of service providers

In reality, winning trade ratio is superflous, it’s making more profits from winning trades than losses from losing trades. Which only a small percentage of traders can do.

Hmmm. :thinking: Googling strategies may be easy cause there are lots available online. :open_mouth: But that’s what makes it hard too. Trying to find the strategy that perfectly fits your personality, lifestyle, risk appetite etc, can be a time-consuming challenge. :thinking: