Why I decided to trade Forex and reasons why I join the babypips forum

Attafuah Emmanuel Rich is my name. 20years of age and from Ghana. I love music and so love to surf the internet a lot. I discovered forex not long ago I want say about six months ago but I have already develop much love for forex. I decided to do my little research on how to trade forex and everything I need to know about it. That was when I came across Babypips Forum. Actually I have the PDF started to read didn’t understand anything so I started to watch videos and other materials which give me enough idea on what Forex is really about and when and when not to trade it. I’m a total beginner but with my research i did I can now place order on the mt4 platform but I’m still learning with the demo account. The reason I chose Forex ans want to trade forex and become a successful advance forex trader because it’s gives you a whole new independent life and a financial freedom. As you all know coming from a country with hardship not getting jobs to do. Forex has taught me that you can take your phone with the help of the internet and the broker trade the financial market and get money wow that’s super amazing. I’m so glad to also be in the babypips forum I love their approach in learning forex simple ans easy to understand. That’s all I can say for now looking forward to become a successful advance trader I want to be thanks to Babypips Forum for that opportunity to come to pass. Peace out!

That’s it, keep learning one step at a time. Focus on process and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves. You have a long learning journey ahead…

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