Why is Forex trading so HARD?

Trading is not that hard, it is more about understanding and knowing the structure of Trading. It is more about working hard and being disciplined.

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Absolutely mate. I’d not deny that trading ain’t cake-walk but what the hell in this world is? I mean everything you try your hands at, you need to study about it, practice the tricks of the trade, and yeah a great strategy that needs a little fine-tuning now and then.

At the end of the day, you are just picking up or down. It’s really not that hard…

I will like to know more

It isn’t. Trust me it isn’t.

If you just read about it, it will seem easy. But if you trade in the live market, you will know the truth.

Because 95% of people fail to be profitable on a year to year basis for more than four consecutive years.

The landmark study on Chilean traders showed that most of them even if they made money could have done better working a minimum wage job.

Hi! I don’t think it’s simply like that because you are not alone in trading. You have other players too such as the brokers, who play their part. You have the big guns, who control the flow of price actions. You have to trade around their movements. So, it’s not enough to simply set up a trade. You do lots of other issues like reading the psychology of other traders, etc.

I guess, potential risk associated with trading makes it hard. No matter how experienced you are, you are still gonna face losses in your trading journey. Management is very important part of forex trading that will make it easier for you.

Nothing comes easy, if it would have been easy, then everybody could have done it.

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Maybe you can give it some time and learn it step by step.


I agree. No need to rush, you gotta be patient,take baby steps, practice on demo until you see some consistent wins.

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How did it go?

Probably because it can feel like there is no rhyme or sense in market movements. You think you know what will happen and what course the market is going to take and then it surprises you. People also ask things like ‘what is the secret to forex trading?’ We like to think that there is a secret, a code that if we can only crack it would be game changing. Unfortunately, for the small scale retail trader that is not possible. The big fish know what’s happening since they are the main market makers but the rest of us can only try.

This is why so many people pick day trading. It is very risky for small scale traders to enter into long term positions. Smaller positions for a shorter period of time means you can control the amount of loss you incur. I’m afraid though there aren’t any answers as such to your question. You just have to keep trying until you find the sweet spot that will give you enough profits to sustain your account.

You can read up on some of the common strategies here along with some other information about the market and its history.

Good luck!

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Yes, small steps will lead to big destinations. :slight_smile:

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Because you need to have a good discipline in trading, then you can do it. Most people tend to give up the halfway and start nitpicking and complaining about how trading is hard.

You are very right on the note that a good strategy, proper risk management, discipline should be enough for a trader to do well in trading. Since we are human being, we have emotion. It plays a huge role in trading. A trader is to be able to control emotion and take a trading decision accordingly. If he keeps doing that, he will surely be a successful trader.


I’m still trying to work that question out after 4 years in the markets. A lot of my friends have progressed further than me and can understand it a lot easier. I’m stuck staring at charts I have hardly any idea about. That’s not to say I don’t make profits, my set ups are clean, I just don’t find many opportunities.

Not that hard. Find a strategy, stick to the plan and be patient.

4 years is a lot of patience