Howdy you all my name is Minnie Pearl. No not really but I do leave tags on my cloths Most people call me the Colonel In The Carolina’s cause I am an Auctioneer by Trade. Sold everything from Quater Horses to Covettes. Guaranteed not to chip, stain, ware or leave a ring around your bath tub. What more can you ask for. Here is the answer we all been looking for.
Emotion is the biggest Hurdle to overcome and make yourself successful as a Trader. Another thing is dont bounce around with strategies. There are Basic Strategies that continually work. What goes up must come down. Just figuring the distance of the fall or rise. Drop a Rubber Ball. How far did that ball come back up to you Usually it is 50%. So set your parameters with stops and take profits and never take a 1 to 1 Risk to Reward Ratio. Make sure you at least double your pips from Entry point to Take Profit. Just basic use of knowledge and strategy which is your Product and you will have a great ratio of wins to losses. Attitude Attitude Attitude. Get up in the morning look in the Mirror and say to yourself I feel Grrrrrreat and mean it. Say it and mean it a dozen times with that smile on your face. Today is the first day of the begining of the rest of my life. How Exciting is that. Thats right come to work like Liar Liar and let your enthusiasm Bubble over. Do not deal with negative people. The first thing I do when I get up in the morn is take a deep breath and thank the lord for another day of Happiness. See Heaven is here on earth if you want it. Turn your self around today and get in the groove of positive motivational way of Life. Old Zig Ziglar is a friend of mine and he came up with " I Can" and you can. His brother Jud sold more Pots and Pans while flying from one city to another and made himself a wealthy man. I taught Zig’s I can to prisoners and they ate it up and did not go
back into the penal system. Most of them started there own business. If they could do that then we have no limits. Go for it. I hope you get something out of this. Nice to Join you all. The Colonel in the Carolina’s
Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing! I especially like the part about talking to yourself in front of the mirror