Why we need more (good) female traders

That’s quite nice to learn that there are good female traders and the world needs it. There should be no differences in our and them and we should acknowledge them.

It’s a very interesting topic and I personally like this idea of getting more women involved in trading to balance the gender in trading.


Lol! It really is that bad… Funny article, I wonder how she spun that web?

Women are more successful in any field of work. Even in Forex I have seen many such women, and we need them to get ourselves motivated towards it.

wonders how long before those smart FX women start looking for mail order husbands lol

I am not sure about that but I wonder, instead, how long before smart FX women on Babypips

contribute to this thread… We have seen about three, if my memory serves me right: that does

not mean anything per se, but it is disappointing nonetheless.

Those smart girls will you never ever see in an babypips forum,

ps to info i have living almost 4 years in East europe mostly in Ukraine … Was almost open a married agency 17 years ago…
But i found out i would mix pleasure and business to much :slight_smile:

TraderFeed: A Great Opportunity for Women Interested in Trading and Finance

rotflmao your a greedy one

“Firms majority owned by women in InvestmentNews study were more likely to be top performers” …

[B]Women-owned advisory firms outperform their peers[/B]

I think that forex trading is not limited to male but anyone can do it anywhere anytime and that’s might be the reason of its popularity.

Interesting Thread!

I am not sure how I missed this thread. This topic has been lingering in the back of my mind recently. I have a few thoughts that I’d like to share.

I read an article on an independent news site based on some conspiracy type beliefs about “Planex X or Nibiru” and the age of Aquarius that we are supposedly transitioning to. During this period it is believed that women will become more in tune with the analytical or “masculine” part of the brain, while men are to become in tune with the “feminine” hemisphere. This transition will result in women taking a leading role in society in both government and business, among others.

It is believed that the arrival of Planet X coincides with the shifting of the poles (an actual physical shift which will result in India residing where the north pole currently does!) and even further enhancing the transition into the age of Aquarius. Some say this transition will take place in the next eight years and that it has already begun. Scientific evidence shows a supposed shift has already begun. Maybe the real explanation for global climate change can be pointed to this shift in poles?

Anyhow, I am by no means a conspiracy theorist type fanatic. Just to be safe, however, I have implemented a secret plan to “encourage” my girlfriend to take an interest in trading. I am leaving forex books by her bedside, in the bathroom. Leaving forex articles open on the desktop for her in the morning. Making little comments about how women are more successful as traders and how I like when she takes an interest. And making sure to reward her with a good massage or cooking her a meal, when she is making progress.

My secret plan make work out, may not. There’s always hoping that the results of my trading over the next eight years will make it unnecessary for either of us to HAVE to trade:)

I tried leaving books by my wife’s bedside to try and “encourage” her to partake in some of my interests and all it got me was a slap on the face :slight_smile:

Oooh, they won’t like that very much: that’s where Mr. Snowy The Polar Bear lives, and the change of climate won’t suit them at all (wouldn’t suit me, either) …

Wouldn’t suit me, either! Interestingly enough, I did some research on what the polar shift scenario would mean for my part of the planet. I found that, billions of years ago, the north pole resided smack dab in the middle of Arizona (where I currently reside).

My take away from this is:

1.) This planet we live on is truly more amazing than one could possibly fathom

2.) Why do people spend so much time with conspiracy theories and the like?

BTW, the recommended reading of Nassim Taleb’s [I]Fooled By Randomness[/I] per Lexys, has provided some insight on no. 2.

Michael Shermer (author of [I]Why People Believe Weird Things[/I]) has visited and revisited this subject (of why so many people believe in conspiracy theories, and why the public debunking/disproving of the theory often, paradoxically, [I]strengthens[/I] their beliefs) in many of his more recent books. Interesting stuff.

Thank you, Zatokrev and Lexy!

In spite of evidence mounting, the status quo remains firmly against women
in the financial industry:

There should be more women traders than men. It’s capitalism. | The Huffington Post

Yeah Women are more intelligent than men and hence it is best if we have more intelligent and efficient women, so that we could learn from them.

Not a trader but one who was involved in the stock markets…

BBC One - London News - Alice Bhandhukravi