Why we need more (good) female traders

Yes, you have a right to express your opinion, of course.

I suspect that i would have reached the same conclusion- but only because she would undoubtedly have been much better at it! :rofl:




Haha, absolutely agree. :grin::grinning::joy:

Kathleen Brooks mentioned in this articleā€¦


Recent article on women traders, Japanese female currency traders, and their attitude to risk.


Happening next Tuesday (6th March)ā€¦

Followed your link and got a ā€œsign upā€ blurb !

No thanks !

I donā€™t have an issue with any of the multiple ā€œGendersā€ we now are faced with - earning a few shekels out of trading - So why should we positively discriminate ?

I was able to view the article for freeā€¦ maybe it was only free to view for a few minutesā€¦

The topic of positive discrimination is not a simple one, obviously, and it touches all areas of society, from gender and race to class and sexual orientation, there is something to be said for as well as against quotas. One thing is true: companies left to their own positive discrimination initiative perform poorly in workforce diversification, which is why quotas are a necessary intervention to strongarm change and focus company boards to make that hope a little closer to a reality.

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Actually I believe it IS a simple issue and that any form of discrimination, ā€œPositiveā€ or negative, is all negative and should be rejected by all !

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Absolutely. Equality of opportunity is a worthwhile ideal but it largely already exists. And what is positive discrimination for just ONE person is automatically negative for ALL others throughout society, including members of other minorities.

There are no gender barriers against entry into nursing/care professions and engineering/mechanics. Nevertheless, male entrants prefer one and female entrants prefer the other. It is their free choice. There is no justification for constructing either a labour shortage or a reduction in human resource quality in an occupation because the gender balance is not 50/50.

In theory no there arenā€™t. But as a single parent (male) of a 6 year old girl, you needed to actuall be there to feel the antagonism of teh ā€œOther mothersā€ at the school gate !

Nowadays only a complete fool of a male would enter the teaching profession and probably would NOT be employed by any school in any case. Is this discrimination ?

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It is personal choice and if its discrimination, it is personal discrimination. Whatā€™s most important to deal with would be systemic discrimination, and this is very rare to find these days.

Of course some people wonā€™t be very accepting of anything outside what they see as the norm. But at least they wonā€™t also benefit from positive discrimination.

The lack of male teachers is NOT personal choice - it is a fear of entering an occupation where a man is vulnerable every day to ā€œdenunciationā€ by any one of 20 females in his class, or random whim of any of maybe 600 who have been in his care over a life career.

That is NOT ā€œPersonal choiceā€ - where the denouncer is assured of anonymity and the victim is assured of publicity of the worst kind and a wrecked life whether the denouncement eventually attracts a load of ā€œme - too-ersā€ or not.

We are now going the same way with ā€œCharity organisationsā€ !

Interestingly I heard an ijnterview on R4 this morning where some woman had written a book about ā€œLost womenā€ in China.

Apparetly the 1 child policy has resulted in girls in urban areas being raised as though they were sons, getting degrees and entering business. which is now upsetting their parents because the girls arenā€™t really interested in getting husbands and kids - ergo no grand-kids for the parents.

This is causing the population demographic to crash towards older people and is forecast to cause massive probems in the future.

In the countryside, most births were boys and there are areas of 160 men to 100 women, but no consideration was afforded to these ā€œlost menā€.

I used to think that the human race would medicate itself out of existence by defying Darwinism to an extent that the gene pool was so devalued as to make us unviable.

Now Iā€™m not quite so sure.

I am all for equality of opportunity on gender grounds and when it comes to entering an occupation. As far as teaching is concerned, male candidates have equal opportunity to enter. Female colleagues are bound to abide by the law and their contracts and their professionā€™s rules of conduct as far as dealing with male (or other) colleagues. How the profession as a whole deals with accusations and false accusations would not be remedied by even an exact 50-50 split between male and female candidates.

Interesting to see the female manager from Schroders on the morning news today on the subject of why finance attracts fewer female than male staff. She seems to believe its because women want to see an assured outcome of something new whereas men arrive with more confidence and will press on without that.

Its interesting to consider if that makes women more profitable traders because they take less risk, or less profitable - because they take less riskā€¦

I think you miss the onus of my point here @tommor - and after a little thought I think the ā€œteacher situationā€ IS discrimination - stemming as it does from a complete imbalance in the law away from the cardinal doctrine that a person is innocent untill proven guilty - towards a situation where a ā€œmaleā€ is guilty - without any form of redress against a ā€œdenouncerā€ who has nothing to fear from making spurious allegations.

No, I see your point, I just believe its wrong Watson! Ha ha!.

What imbalance in which law specifically please Falstaff? Or maybe thereā€™s been a specific case?

Hereā€™s one ;


Note how the Guardian - simply rejects the verdict as valid Not guilty and says it ā€œwas always going to be difficult to proveā€

Hereā€™s another :slight_smile: