Why would you stay on a sinking ship ? - Brexit!

Odd how many threads that Falstaff participates in end up like this one, insults and name-calling.
Pathetic, you really should know better at your age

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Nope wrong again. I occationally see your gibberish and how profoundly wrong and damaging it is to the mind of people who are uneducated in the field u chose to post that day. And in the hopes to reduce the damage you make i run after you like people run after their doggies in public parks and pick up their shyte to throw it into the trash can. And youre a doggy with a lot of diarrhea. And unfortunately youre not even paying me for that fine service of mine.

Have you noticed how you tend to give him more likes for his rubbish, than he gives you for yours ?

Since I can put it no more accurately than I have before ;

I’m tiring of this, I have better things to do with my time

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The call which I made for discussion by @eddieb was the one above.

To be honest, i thought the original post you put up was quite funny ! :rofl: - Shame you changed it !

He didnt change anything. Perhaps you have alzhheimer? Check with a doc mate.

Niw on a serious note: have you ever been out if your neibourhood? I mean have you ever travelled? (Besides maybe thailand for vacation) have you ever been to spain italy or france or such or are you one of those old guys who never left their country and thou think that all other countries suck? One of those xenophobes who are xenophobe cause they never left their comfort zone and dont know any better?

Look guys, how about forgetting the last 20 or so posts and getting back to the original topic before the mods shut the thread down?

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, it doesn’t have to be “my way or the highway”. Just try looking at the other person’s viewpoint, you don’t have to agree with it nor ridicule it


I’ll give it a go !

Did you take another look at that article ?

Here’s another factor you may find interesting

There is no point in getting back to the original topic. Why?

The topic itself is populistic. The title is defarmatory comparing the EU to a sinking ship. Promoting someones personal views of how awesome brexit is by denouncing the EU with false stats and false claims, changing historical facts to fit the OP opinion.

This is not a topic and there is nothing to discuss here. You cant discuss abything with a denouncing deffarmatory person who is only seeking a stage to gather audience for his populistic views. This isnt a topic, its a shitshow. And the only way to discuss a shitshow is by accepting that it is a shitshow.

Your call for reasonable talk only gives @Falstaff his stage back and puts him up there to enable him to contine to defarmator institutions peoples of other nations and political structures which he has neither insight in nor understanding of.

This is a few pages created by soneone who clearly is VERY BIASED against EU its concept its institutions. And he will lie and cheat to promote his invented facts and stats and when proven wrong he will adopt pure dennial. Theres no point in discussing anything serious here. The only reasonable approach is to reveal the true nature of the OP and make people understand he is lieing, biased and claiming wrong/falsified facts.

just to lock in the post

You dont need to lock anything. The truth stays. I dont edit my posts. I only add to them if needed.

Post edited a few minutes later to include the above

Aye, this is true but remember that gdp is down and borrowing up - and the numbers are now accurate.

Stats like gdp have little or no meaning to the average citizen, his/her concern is can they put food on the table, will their rapidly growing up children have some sort of economic future within not only their community but also their country.

Ireland witnessed 3 tranches of economic emigration, first one was during the famine - mid 1800’s, second in the mid 1950’s and to a lesser extent after 2008.

Fathers, sons,daughters, husbands left these shores never to return - their common aim - employment.
(this is why there are 34.5 million Irish Americans in the US and Pres Trump this month commented that he knows each of them - most Irish people understood that statement.)

Anyways - long story short - check last 5yr unemployment in Greece:

And yes, there is nothing wrong with leather jackets, used to wear one myself, but dress sends a message, as one news site said today of the Trump/Kim meeting - no bomber jackets or binoculars - just a business suit.


Not looking great ;

Whatever issues the EU ship runs onto, the EU idea will live and sail on. Because the aim is not survival of the Eu but political union of the entire continent. The people at the head of this movement will gain enormous lasting power.

Every obstacle will be, they will say, resolved and avoided if only Europe is politically united. The more obstacles, the greater the risks, the more they will double down on this. And the stronger will become their arguments.

Predictions of the collapse of the EUR and the break-up of the EU are just fuel in their engine.

isnt exactly that what westmenister/downing 10 is preaching to the rest of the UK since 3 years?

let me correct you:

Whatever issues the UK ship runs onto, the UK idea will live and sail on. Because the aim is not survival of the UK but political union of the entire island. The people at the head of this movement will gain enormous lasting power.

Every obstacle will be, they will say, resolved and avoided if only the island is politically united. The more obstacles, the greater the risks, the more they will double down on this. And the stronger will become their arguments. (fits pretty good with the “deal agreenment not working our way, lets double down and make it a -no deal-”)

Predictions of the collapse of the GBP/uk economy and the break-up of the political island are just fuel in their engine.

Ha ha! Clever. I do like that.

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