Will Cryptocurrencies Go Mainstream?

Meanwhile the FCA is mulling whether to ban altogether the sale of crypto-derivatives like CFDs on Bitcoin to retail clients. I am not sure whether that would help or hinder cryptocurrencies from entering the mainstream.

On one hand derivatives aren’t the same as actual cryptocurrencies and it may push people to look into the actual cryptocurrencies, on the other hand no derivatives means fewer people would even notice cryptocurrencies.


Well, I have mixed feelings about this. I can understand the motives behind the FCA’s intention but on the other hand, I think it’ll look like another restrictive measure for retail traders. After the recent ESMA restrictions, if this decision is made and accepted, retail traders will feel even more pressed against the wall.

Looks like some big player/s just exited the market. Bitcoin has now fallen below the previously heavily defended point of 6k, and the entire market just lost a lot of value with it.

If it doesn’t recover soon, bad times are ahead

Bitcoin is crashing and burning and the state of Ohio has picked this moment to announce that they are becoming the first state to allow bitcoin payments for a wide range of corporate taxes.

Starting this week businesses throughout the state are allowed to use the crypto coin to pay for as many as 23 taxes with just 1% fee, which is a smaller charge than the standard 2,5% credit card fee.

For the time being the authorities in Ohio accept only Bitcoins and not any other of the major crypto coins like Ethereum, Ripple, Monero or Dash. Also, the option is limited to corporate taxes and citizens are not allowed to pay personal taxes with the crypto currency.

That seems like an odd choice, considering the circumstances.

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They have in countries like Venezuela where inflation is terrible and bitcoin is a more stable currency to buy/sell/trade goods and services

Crypto currency is over. Noone needs it for cyber security or other stuff. It’s all about investment only

Cryptocurrencies are definitely slowly entering the mainstream, but to fully do so they need to shed their reputation for being the tool of criminals. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem very easy.

This week the Australian authorities removed the license of two cryptocurrency exchanges for being connected to drug trafficking.

Eventually yes they will.

I don’t know who is behind the attempt to initiate second wave of hype, but I think investors learned the lesson and without government permission nobody will tie up capital in cryptos. It’s currently an asset for enthusiasts, fanatics of freedom and other marginal investors’ groups.

I have been involved since the bull market in 2016. All the way through the bear market. Markets work in cycles. Many people think we are at the bottom or near the bottom. Regulation and institutional investors are coming with BAKKT and fidelity. Going forward BTC will be huge in my opinion.

The question is how long will it take for it to get there.

It will go through at least 1-2 more of these ‘bubble’ pops imo

Take future growth as given can be pernicious since your perception of growth/decline catalysts can be distorted. Like buying the dip assuming there will be sure growth and neglecting other edge of the sword.

You have a timeframe in mind?

There are pros and cons regarding crypto currencies, and I think that they will need to take some time until they reach their maturity. Maturity means to enter into mainstream, which they will inevitably reach within few years in the future from now. At least, that is my opinion

Thats why the best time to buy is when no one is talking about it :wink:

Cryptocurrencies are doing very well currently, I just want to believe that the evolution is here to stay and not just give false hopes. As things stand right now, I still fear trading cryptocurrencies because of the instability sorrounding them. But I don’t mean to discourage those who enjoy it. It’s just not for everyone

I think the technology is useful and it will, eventually, enter the mainstream fully. But that governments won’t allow it to do so without significant regulation.

I think cryptocurrencies will soon go mainstream. With big and very influential companies like Facebook having declared their interest in the cryptos, there is more hope now for those interested in crypto trading. I just hope it will last and not disappear at some point

There will be another bubble…